Bloodbowl is a board game produced by games workshop, set in Warhammer Fantasy universe. It's like a cross between American football and Rugby, but alot more violent. You play as the coach, controlling a team you assemble and as you play through a league, you team grows in experience and in funds.
The basic rules are simple, there are 16 rounds total, with one turn for each player in a round, you take your turn by selecting each of your players in turn, and moving them, blocking a player on the other team, throwing the ball, or blitzing, which is sort of like a running block, or foul, wich is the same as a blitz, but with the intention of hurting the player (but if the ref sees you he might call it and send that player out for the match), you can run past enemy players, but you have to roll to see if the trip you up.
The object is obviously to get the ball to the other player's endzone to score, whoever cores the most points wins.
The rules are available from the bloodbowl website,
I haven't played for a long time, so I don't know all the rules to any extent of the imagination, but I have a good handle on the basics, and can answer some beginner's questions.
Fumbbl is a massive online bloodbowl league, played with the javabbowl client which you can get at the fumbbl website, it's free to play online and much easier to get a match going than on the tabletop.
Games can be organized on IRC ( 6667 channel #PA), the fumbbl website, or, if we get a few people interested (my ultimate goal) through this thread.
We make our teams in the league division.
Okay, let's get some games going.
I created the PA channel on their IRC server. I will be in there during work today for anyone who wants to ask questions and whatnot.
It's good to see an old fumbbl buddy again.
I just put together a dwarf team, and am going to play my brother's new rat dudes soon hopefully.
That is if he actually gets off his anime forums and decides to play.
Stunty teams are fun to squash, not so much to play against. Since that's all they do, and if they ever score, you'll never live it down.
I might be around sometime soon, depends when I get home. Be round on the weekend as well.
Stunty vs Stunty games are more fun than standard games, imho.
But I'm not like a hardcore Blood Bowl guy
Managing the team is a lot more fun, since it's not like you care about Generic Gobbo #812, so you can replace him easy enough. I'll make a team of something stunty and play whenever people are on.
My Lizardmen team, the Xociloc Chokers, are pretty fun to play. I might even bring the all-halfling Pondridge Puddingcups out of retirement.
SoogaGames Blog
Perhaps you can play my Orcs?
Chaos league is also a big pile of crap.
For any of the more hardcore BB fans, there is also a play-by-email bloodbowl game available at I say its for hardcore players since the tool provided doesnt "enforce" the rules the way the fumbbl client does. This means that its entirely possible to get sent a turn, and have to send it back and say "Hey, player number 14 moved here without making these rolls. Redo your turn from line 998 in the log please?"
The good news is that it has a full implementation of the Living Rulebook V.5 rules.
If anyone is interested in this type of BB, Im happy to have a practice game to show you how to get around in the email bb tool.
Make a stunty team and play my Thobbletop's Ten (or so).
Because I suck too, and stunty games are awesome regardless of who wins or loses.
I have to work tonight, but after I get how i re-install the game and IRC and see if anyones around.
That actually might not be such a bad idea. I'll see what I can do.
The Stunty Leeg sure does seem like my kind of Leeg.
Hopefully we can get a game going.
I don't know if I even dare to look any further into this.
And maybe the section on blocking.
It's not to terribly complicated.
But yeah, the java thingie automates most of it. Once you've got the basics down, you can get into all the little modifiers that make things look hard. Only takes a couple of games.
I will play my Goblins against your Halflings
Sure, why not.
I don't really recall how to set up a match with the fumbbl client
To setup a match with the fumbbl client is pretty easy, just click on the play button next to the team you wanna use, and type in something like "wang" in the game name, then hit "launch as server"
Then the other person does the same, but hits "launch as client"
So, uh... game in 5+ hours, anyone?
I insist you make a new team, I wanna try one of my new ones.
INNS, you filthy hippie. Look what you've done.
Normal games leave me frustrated and angry.
Besides, you can get tired of laughing at your team get mauled. I like having players able to accomplish something other than leave stains on the pitch.
I laugh at mutual mauling
And Uriel would not play stunties with me.