I am a compulsive liar. Whenever I am asked a question my first instinct is to come up with a plausible lie, and after I've sold the person on that answer I give them the actual answer.
This carries over to another thing I like to do with my friends which is to make up falsehoods about upcoming titles and systems.
Below is one I just came up with on the fly to a friend who I know to love the Wild Arm series.
it's confirmed that wild arms 5 will feature a "special guest character as a playable character" from wild arms 2. their appearance in wa5 will answer a lot of unanswered questions about what happened with this character after wa2, as well as introduce us to a host of newly acquired and unlocked powers.
Go ahead and add your own lies to this thread. If they're good enough, they may earn the dubious honor of me stealing them for my own use on my friends.
B. the Ninja
"oh yeah, Army of Two, you play as two crippled guys, one only has legs but no arms, and the other has arms but no legs, the guy with legs carries the guy with arms around with him in a backpack. The guy with the legs concentrates on movement and dodging, while the guy with the arms concentrates on aiming and fire. it takes a LOT of teamwork but its really fun!"
she was like:"wow seriously? thats really awesome"
so I had to carry it on and say "yeah, and to do acrobatics, or to pull yourself up, the legs guy has to start the maneuver, then the arms guy has to perform a specific action at the right time to finish the maneuver, its pretty sweet."
after that neither of us could control our laughing, and we had to tell her, plus we were about to watch the trailer.
No, seriously!
I'd play that game.
Damn, that sounds like it could be a lot of fun...
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
It would be Crippled Masters?
But with guns?
I came up with a design very similar to this in my game design class, except for it was 3 aliens on each others shoulders under a trenchcoat and hat, trying to pretend to be human.
And yeah, I'd play either.
That is the funniest thing I've heard all week.
maybe it's just calling the dudes "arms guy" and "legs guy".
THat's EXACTLY how multiplayer Mechwarrior 2 on the SNES worked. I think it was mechwarrior 2. I can't really remember. Definitely a mechwarrior SNES game though. This is not a lie.
It was fucking GLORIUS. Apparently, the EB games employee really sounded alot like our friend.
I don't lie about games, though, to my knowledge. Games is serious business.
See, he knows what I'm saying!
None of us had access to Nintendo Power either, so no-one could disprove me.
My best was probably about Dragon Warrior (1!), where I told my friends that if you beat the Dragon Lord with the starting club, you got a secret ending with more story about Erdrick. One of my buddies tried for a month straight to do it.
In high school, this friend of mine told me that he had a prototype "Dolphin" (the code name for the Gamecube) and told me that the system itself was even shaped like a dolphin and that the disks were inserted into the mouth.
You can wonder why I wasn't surprised when he said it had to be kept secret after I asked to see it.
I got him back when I told him years later that the tree monsters in a background in Mortal Kombat 2 could eat the loser as a fatality.
Really. It's going to be so awesome.
He said his brother in the military got it on the Black Market while he was in Japan.
You guys are ALL lightweights.
May I present to you, the biggest of these types of lies ever created.
Peter Molyneux, on Fable 1
enough said.
In case that wasn't enough, who here tried to get Mew on Pokemon Red or Blue by doing that weird boat thing, or anythign else that whatever site told you might give you Mew.
I remember that and I was annoyed when I couldn't do anything about that stupid truck.
You can, in fact, get mew! It's a matter of glitching out the game and fucking with pointers (flying from viridian to elsewhere), but it is possible.
No more Mew lies.
You think I can't destroy you through the internet.
You are SORELY mistaken...
Your friend isn't very smart if he didn't notice the spelling mistakes or ask for a source.
I hear his brother is a L337 haxxor.
You could get Mew through a glitch, but just not in the way most people said you could.
Then how did you write that message?
That's so hacked.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
For years I have decided that if I ever want to commit suicide, I will jump of a building, and leave a note saying "I didn't mean to jump, I just slipped"
He has gamesharked/glitched to get the items, but I have done that on my own hardware with my own cartridge. It works. That said I am just some random internet guy, you don't need to trust me.
Better to use the Gameshark to get a playable Sephiroth. Damn, that was awesome.
...Calvin's dad, is that you?