Thanks for your help testing Windows Live Folders. It’s been a month and a half since our first release, and today we’re making three major announcements!
First, we’re happy to announce our new name:
Second, we’ve been listening intently to your feedback and suggestions, and based directly on that feedback, we’re excited to bring you our next release, featuring:
- An upgraded look and feel — new graphics to go along with your new features!
- "Also on SkyDrive" — easily get back to the SkyDrives you’ve recently visited
- Thumbnail images — we heard you loud and clear, and now you can see thumbnails of your image files
- Drag and drop your files — sick of our five-at-a-time upload limit? Drag and drop your files right onto your SkyDrive
- Embed your stuff anywhere — with just a few clicks, post your files and folders anywhere you can post html
Third, we’re excited to introduce SkyDrive in two additional regions: UK and India.
Note for existing beta users: if you’ve sent or posted links using Windows Live Folders, you will need to update your links due to changes in our URLs with this release.
So without further ado, go
sign up today! And then
let us know how you like the changes.
Have fun,
-Windows Live SkyDrive Team
Pretty neat. Are there any restrictions as to what you can upload, or this will be piracy central...
Which is - Ontario Canada
Steam | Live
Is it available for us canuckians?
So I whacked a couple of MP3s up to test it, you suckers have to delete these within 24hours
Mod edit: snip
I don't know I think Lewie is UK
Steam | Live
Looks like India and UK just got added.
not sure where to start here.
/tinfoil hat off
This is 500mb free online storage with a nice user friendly interface. Has nothing to do with being able to play games online.
This has nothing to do with gaming or Xbox.
Windows Live and Games for Windows Live are two entirely different things.
Aww @ cute kids on beach.
Oh noes, the world is doomed by our MS overloards......oh wait, that's nothing new. :P
it just let me sign up and i'm in alberta, I can't see why they would exclude ontario..i mean usually that treatment is reserved for quebec O_o
edit: upload limit of 50 megs and you can only select 5 files to upload at once..meh
i...i've been playing with the ball for the last 5 minutes as my 6 megabyte upload seems to have least thats the only explanation i have for an upload that should take 30ish seconds taking that long :oops:
You can install an optional ActiveX control that allows you to queue unlimited.
I'm in Alberta (Calgary), and I seem to be locked out unless it's changed in the past hour. I'll go check!
edit: Nope, still locked
well..thats...very odd O_o ..I'm assuming they block it based on IP..maybe they don't think my IP address is in canada(i have satellite internet)..i have no idea
Or am I missing something here?
Page is faster, 500MB free instead of 25MB?
nah, google will come in a couple of months down the line and announce they're doing the same thing, only tying it into your gmail space so you get 2.8 gigs and have a better UI for it, thats what google does.
you're close. They'll tie it in with an announcement that you'll end up with 5GB total shared space, not just 2.8.
*that* is what google does.
All they need to do is introduce Google Files and SkyDrive would be out of business.
Except MediaMax is 25 GB (not MB) free according to their front page. 25 GB > 500 MB
Oh, read it wrong I guess. But you don't get to play with a bouncy ball using MediaMax.
Most likely this 500mb is for the beta.