The latest CAGcast brings word that electronics retailer Circuit City has served CAG Productions with a subpoena. CAG Productions is responsible for popular video game shopping community, which has 100,000 registered members. The retail giant wants CAG to turn over all personal information about registered forum member Speedy1961, who has been posting weekly CC ads prior to their release on the site. Speedy has also posted them on, and that site appears to have received legal action as well. The subpoena mentions one CheapAssGamer thread in particular, which prior to E3, revealed that the PS3 would get a price drop. That same thread also included pricing for games at Circuit City as well as game prices at Target and Best Buy. From the thread:
* GAMERS / MOVIE AFFICIANADOS: Please note $100 Price Break on Playstation 3 Game System which brings the price down to $499.99 // Remember that you can get 5 free Blu-Ray DVDs with purchase of any Blu-Ray Player / Game system by going here:
This was wedged in between details about the Wii and other details. As mentioned aboved, information about Best Buy and Target was also noted. CAG Productions CEO David Abrams (AKA "CheapyD") has hired a lawyer. "The CAG community's trust and respect is very important to me, so I've hired legal representation to deal with the situation," Abrams tells Kotaku.
Makes me glad I haven't been posting my store's PLC lists...
Still, they have to realize this is getting them store traffic. It's unlikely their competition is going to get their information from a forum; that's been more beneficial for them than not, I think.
However they are probably under NDA's with the companies that make the products they sell. For instance, Sony probably didn't want it known they were going to drop the ps3 price before their official announcement. And since the first thing that was leaked about the price drop was a circuit city ad. It's possible that Circuit City could be held accountable by Sony for breaking the NDA.
Oh, Sony.
Sadly, this seems to be the case. I don't know how CAG's can be held accountable, though. If ISPs are generally able to with hold IP information from the RIAA, couldn't CAG?
Don't be too sure on that. Competition is cutthroat, and ALL retailers are probably doing what they can to find out impending price changes. I support cheapassgamer, but you can bet that reps from retailers keep an eye on cheapass to see what the competition is up to.
Face facts, plants are everywhere. Even here. For example, I'm a plant for Ol' Kentucky Shark Liquor.
That reminds me...
[SIZE=-1]A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, a shark on beer is a beer engineer![/SIZE]
Nintendo has hit squads that kill you if you release their shit early. When a bunch of Targets released the DS Lite early, Nintendo completely ignored the company on the second ship, plus probably charged the a bunch of money. Probably cost them millions in lost sales and shit.
Editing thread title.
the only other thing CAG can do is ban his account to get CC off his back, but i don't think that's going to fix the larger issue at hand. SOMEONE is going to post this stuff again. maybe not at CAG, but it'll still be out there.
SSB code- 0216-0856-6886 PM me so I can add you
And that would stop the subpoena how?
i meant that it would keep CC from taking further action against CAG not completely absolve them from giving them the information they're asking for.
SSB code- 0216-0856-6886 PM me so I can add you
I'm not suprised they will fight to protect their user's ID ... it's their site reputation on the line.
What further action? It's a subpoena, not a lawsuit.
I'm glad they did.
While true, issuing a subpoena is both a legal action and an implied legal threat.
While the second half of your statement is true, we're talking about laws not morals or whatever. A company is legally responsible for what it does with its information. I'm quite sure CC would be held legally responsible for the leak if it could be ascertained that Speedy1961 is a CC employee.
Maybe he's just a l33t hax0r.
I meant more towards people who try and spin the subpeona as something that CC shouldn't have done or call them evil for doing it or something. Yes its their fault for supposedly trusting Speedy1961 with this information, but the subpeona is not something to be angry at them over, as the OP seems to imply.
Yes, you didn't agree to anything. The person that agreed to the NDA is in deep legal feces.
Why do you think journalists are so quick to trick company employees into releasing confidential information? They wouldn't dare if they had legal responsibility.
I hope this doesn't end up hurting Cheapy, he's in a tight spot over it and I'd hate to see that site change in any way, its saved me a heap and gotten me into plenty of games I'd never touch otherwise.
Thought so. CAG are perfectly fine then. Especially if it's not even illegal to solicit restricted information.
Typically, sales and clearances are only used to bring consumers into the store. Once you're there, they'd like you to buy other things. Full priced things. Shit that they will actually turn a profit on.
They don't like people like Speedy, and they don't like people that read CAG. Best Buy has made this very obvious through their various discussions on how to get rid of what they call "demon shoppers", basically places like CAG, fatwallet, and slickdeals' target audience.
There's got to be at least a handful of stores that would consider me a "demon shopper". I can't remember the last time I bought anything at Circuit City that wasn't on clearance.
Demon Shopper was coined by some guy who wrote a book called Angel Customers and Demon Customers.
He told me this later because, up until then, we'd had an awesome rapport. Hated that fucker after that, though.
pay by cash goddamit. I pay by cash for everything unless it is an online purchase.
i cant remember the last time i returned anything, so i dont really know.