I was at an Anime convention a month or two ago and was introduced to
Melty Blood.Melty Blood, The Wiki entry
Melty Blood is a fast paced PC / PS2 2d fighting game that looks like an anime series, actually I think it's based on one.
Based on the anime Lunar Legend Tsukihime Melty Blood ReAct is a one on one fighting game unlike any you have seen so far. With a deep combo system and over the top super moves you will be finding new ways to pound your opponent into the ground for months
It's gone though a whole bunch of versions and it's pretty big in the hardcore Japanese fighting market.
There is all sort of gameplay depth to the game, none of which I have figured out, I pretty much just button mash and hope something happens. Playing against other opponents I am usually completely destroyed in a whirlwind of special moves and crazy combos. Speaking of which..
All sorts of combo videos out there.
Ooo wallpaper..
It's good stuff, the Japanese version of the game has such a big following that they even have a translation patch out there for anyone who wants to import the PC version.
There is a demo available by going to
this page. I think if you click on the bottom link (which says
something something download in hiragana <if you can read the Kanji please let me know so I can update this>) you can get yourself a Windows version of the game in a demo form.
I've... heard of it.
You, sir, are a liar. You know jack shit about it.
Don't argue with me, my investigative skills are legendary.
Leaving off the last post of that thread, I've gone back to using Ciel. Aoko just doesn't feel right, whereas I can still kick ass and take names with Ciel. Maybe a future patch will improve her, but for now she's relegated to the same position as Sion - wonderful character, but awkward fighting style. I do so hope a netplay patch comes out soon for AC as well.
edit: I would also think that Melty Blood's based off the Tsukihime game itself, not the anime that was made afterwards.
edit 2: Huh, the page linked in the OP has a notice about an offer of replacement for damaged Limited Edition cases. Anyone know the details of the damage? I've got the LE, but the only damage I can see is a slight creasing alongside the side of the box.
edit 3: The page in the OP only links to the patch and damage notice. Here's the link to the demo.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
I played against a bunch of people in a few arcades in Akihabara - you can pull some CRAZY shit when you really start to figure out the game. It's very impressive for such a small group of guys to put together in the shadow of Capcom and Sammy.