Monoxide Edit: If you're new to this thread, why don't you go ahead and skip to page 4 where people stop fearmongering over a complete misconception of this article and realize that
this is not a big deal.
"SIGGRAPH 2007 was the stage where Microsoft dropped the bomb, informing gamers that the currently available DirectX 10 hardware will not support the upcoming DirectX 10.1 in Vista SP1. In essence, all current DX10 hardware is now obsolete. But don't get too upset just yet: 'Gamers shouldn't fret too much - 10.1 adds virtually nothing that they will care about and, more to the point, adds almost nothing that developers are likely to care about. The spec revision basically makes a number of things that are optional in DX10 compulsory under the new standard - such as 32-bit floating point filtering, as opposed to the 16-bit current. 4xAA is a compulsory standard to support in 10.1, whereas graphics vendors can pick and choose their anti-aliasing support currently. We suspect that the spec is likely to be ill-received. Not only does it require brand new hardware, immediately creating a minuscule sub-set of DX10 owners, but it also requires Vista SP1, and also requires developer implementation.""
So yeah.
DirectX 10 a new standard, requiring us all to get rid of our DirectX 9 hardware AND move to Vista.
And now there's a new DirectX 10
.1 standard, requiring us to get rid of all our DirectX 10 hradware AND move to Vista SP1 when it comes out.
Aren't the few of you that did upgrade already just
so glad you bought new hardware to support DX10? Now you get to buy it all over again -- aren't you lucky?
And hey, can you imagine how great Nvidia and ATI must feel? Now they get to put all DX10 products on hold and re-engineer them, just cause Microsoft said to. And their entire DX10 product line? Bet they're going to have a great time trying to sell THOSE.
Bet you guys feel so smart for letting the Software company dictate the terms of Hardware specs, eh? You'd think you would have learned from the whole "3GB barrier" mess.
The only exception seems to be games that Microsoft Game Studios is putting out, or probably the rare game that MS is throwing oodles of money at.
They support DX9 hardware. I can turn down all the graphics options, download my educational copy of Vista from MSDNAA, and buy, install, and play Shadowrun right now on my 7600GT-powered desktop (or even R9600XT-powered laptop, if I liked slideshows). Hell, I can even skip the Vista step if I go and get the "ignore the stupid-ass arbitrary OS restriction"-patch that has been floating around the intertubes.
Amen to that
I um..
ok. Are there ANY DX10 required games then?
Screw PC gaming. Screw it up its not-dying-but-not-so-great-gaming-anymore-hole. Fuck it.. I'm getting a top of the line DX9 card and sticking with it. Consoles.. I'm glad we've become friends.
Nope. There are a handful of DX10 supporting games, but all of them still have DX9 options.
There are also a few games that require Windows Vista, but still not DX10 hardware.
It's like when Morrowind came out and people with expensive graphics cards could turn on the pixel shaders, but people like me who were still chugging along on a PCI-based Geforce 2MX could still play the game in DX7 mode.
edit: Hell, I remember when DX7 support finally got dropped from most upcoming games (around the time Deux Ex 2 came out) there was a huge shitstorm, and that stuff would still work with even-then-old-ass Geforce 3 or Radeon 8000-series (DirectX 8) cards. That's right. By the time stuff started requiring DirectX 8, DX9 cards had been on the market for like three years.
But in all seriousness, what the fuck? If I'm reading that snippet right, Microsoft basically said: oh, by the way, Direct X 10.1 won't work with your old hardware, but don't worry, because no one cares about 10.1.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
But this really is asshattery at it's finest. I bet MS did it on purpose. Dare i say i beleive this is the future of Corporations.
@Cameron: I feel the same way about consoles and computers as games machines.
No, they only said the first half of that sentence, and we added the second bit.
Basically, they announced that as soon as Vista SP1 comes out, Games For Windows developers will need to code at least three render paths, one for DX9 (so the game actually sells copies), one for DX10 (for the early adpoters that need it to look shiny on their expensive hardware) and one for DX10.1 (for the blurb on the back of the box and possible free publicity from their game being used in website benchmarks).
The only reasons I can think of for continuing to have an up to date gaming PC are because you pirate games, since it's inherently easier to pirate on the PC, or because you're an avid MMO fan (and even this incentive should be dissapearing soon, with many console MMO's on the horizon).
Me sad. Me very sad. Build a new PC for $1500 or shell out 300-500 for nearly the same experience =(
I just wish the X360 would get around to supporting a keyboard and mouse for FPSes already. It's got the USB ports right fucking there. I'm tempted to buy a goddamn PS3 just for this feature; it'd sure be cheaper than a new PC.
Yes, I am quite glad I have a 360 now, especially with this news. Granted, MS controls both, but at least they're somewhat more hesitant to screw over 360 owners.
Of course, knowing my luck, the new HDMI Premium line will be required for newer games, and my old 360 Premium that I bought last month isn't going to be good enough...
Speaking of which, OpenGL 3 is coming out soon, making your OpenGL 2 hardware obsolete.
Dx 10.1 is mainly an update for sound, which as many people know was a bit shafted in vista. The ancillary changes to the graphics aren't going to affect anyone.
There aren't going to be ANY Dx 10.1 only games, sure many games will support it, and play just fine with Dx10 and Dx9 hardware. These incremental updates have been happening since pretty much the inception of Dx. There's nothing at all to worry about.
Except that OpenGL 3 isn't pretentious enough to require specific hardware... is it? I thought OGL3 would run with what features it can on your machine, developer permitting.
Except Microsoft specifically says that DX 10.1 won't run on DX 10.0 hardware.
Oh, and there's this:
Say goodbye to so called "Value" cards.
Hence the :P. OpenGL is a bit more of a pain in the ass to code for for just this reason: you need to test for specific features and if they're not present, code around them. But the features need to be there to be supported; it's just that the specification, unlike Direct3D, demands backwards compatibility with OpenGL 2.0 or 1.1 or whatever hardware.
But barely anybody uses OpenGL anymore anyway; the only major companies I can think of are id and Epic, and that's because they want to port and license their engines to as many platforms as possible.
I think you're mis-understanding here. Everyone runs the latest version of Directx regardless of graphics hardware, because Dx does more than just graphics. Dx10 cards might not be compliant, but they will sure as hell will be compatible.
Again, this just refers to something that the cards can do. Rather than have to have turned on in every game. edit: In a similar way to the geforce 5x00 cards being Dx9 cards, but were able run mixed precision codepaths in HL2
What an ass. Microsoft as a whole.
I guess my 8800 GTS is now budget hardware.
I don't think you've read the article. Please do so and get back to us.
No, I don't think you understand PC gaming. e.g. if your machine only had Directx7 installed, it wouldn't be able to run Half-Life 2, but you can run the game on Directx 7 hardware.
Yep, gonna have to back that post up. People need to stop and actually read for content and facts, not ridiculous fear-mongering. Read it again with that method in mind. *waiting*
*heat death of the universe*
Okay, well nevermind then. Nearly everyone here, including the OP (sorry) is blowing this way out of proportion. The two MINOR differences between the 10 and the 10.1 sound like technical "adjustments" and NOT things that would EVER be "required or the game won't run." You people are getting this confused with the whole "shader model 2 vs. 3" thing. You know what, people, the games will still run JUST FINE, except a game will just render with the extent of the 10.0 features that the card was capable of, instead of the 10.1 -- at least that is my understanding. Obviously if the hardware can only do 10.0 it can't do the features of 10.1, but that doesn't mean the entire game won't even play. Jeez.
That dx10.1 "issue" has been in the air for some time. Even though even then people said not to worry about it, it's always a good thing to expect the worst.
I'm glad I postponed updating my PC untill the end of the year, or maybe early next year.
I think alot of us are learning to wait untill software and hardware has matured a bit before buying into it.
This puts a lot of people in a perpetual state of waiting though. In the computer world theres always something new just around the corner, and so by waiting you may be buying proven tech but its old tech.
Microsoft's doing more to kill PC gaming than it's doing to save it. Well done.
You know what, I give up.
T-Nation blog
But so is 99% of PC "gaming"
Maybe I'll wait until Quadcore and DX10.1 are out. Then again, ATi has a $100 card, and AMD's X2 processors are getting cheaper and cheaper (and the AM2 slot is promised to be compatible at a reduced bus and cache speed with their upcoming quadcores).
Maybe I will wait, and then I'll grab those parts at cheapo prices only to upgrade those two components within a year's time.
Hackers and pirates will ALWAYS find a way. They've never let me down yet. Halo 2 on XP? No problem.
I firmly believe these "evil" people have helped me more with bugs, fixes, etc. than every company ever combined. I would have given up on the PC format entirely if not for my unshakable faith that a pirate or hacker will make my game run the way it was meant to run. When looking for bugfixes and patches, the official site is the LAST place to look.
God bless those modern day heroes.