Hey I got punched in the fucking ear over this the other night so I just want to settle it once and for all. See, in this day and age we got Bullets and then we got Blades. Bullets are deadly. Yea if you meet with one face to face you are probably fucked. However, they are glamorized too much in movies and games. Getting shot doesn't hurt nearly as much nor is it as bloody as Hollywood would have you think. Some people don't even know they've been shot until they see their wound.
Blades however, they don't get enough fucking credit. You could find some fuckin nasty and crazy stab wounds on the internet. A knife can really fuck you up if someone drags it all through your organs. Yet like a bullet, it might also not do shit except leave you with a scar.
So if you had to hope or choose to either be Stabbed or Shot, which would you pick? We're not talking about being stabbed or shot AT, we are talking about a bullet or blade digging into flesh. Which is better? Which is easier? Also would be cool to hear some input from people who have been stabbed or shot, to see what they recommend.
tl;dr Shot! or Stabbed?
the answer is butts
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
postin like a hurricane
take a shot in the mouth or get your butt stabbed.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
are you a god damned retard
you are looking for recommendations on whether to be stabbed or shot
well, let me tell you this:
For the sake of simplicity, I'll say this: knives don't mushroom when they hit your body and leave an exit wound the size of a volleyball.
The correct thing to do is to choose secret answer C, which entails both the stabbing and shooting.
I knew people would start saying shit like this.
First off, if your talking about getting shot by some high powered guns, then it should be compared to something like having your limbs sliced off by a Katana.
If your talking about getting stabbed with a switchblade, it should be compared to being shot with a 9mm.
We need to know these things man.
9mm, If I'm correct is roughly equivelent with .44
That is skull shattering type stuff.
A switchblade would be more like a .22
After you compared a glancing shot to being disembowled?
Large enough to rupture your bowels
A .22 can be deadly. A shot in the lungs, heart, liver, kidney, stomach, these are all things that will kill you. A pen knife, the equivalent to a .22 in your fucked up little world, would have to be wielded by a pretty fucking gnarly dude to be that effective.
Also, 9mm rounds are MADE to expand based on the fact that they're typically used as anti-peoples guns.
the seventh circle, for those who inflict violence
you wish violence upon yourself and as a consequence will be placed by the lord god hallowed be his name within the suicide wood where those who have defiled the holy refuge and image of god which is their own body are eternally imprisoned within trees forced to live out there life feeling the pain of an insignificant shard of vegetation doomed to the fires of hell the fires which encompass all suffering you will suffer what pope innocent calls the worm of the triple sting of guilt of remembrance of life and of the eternal pain of hell oh the pain it is so excruciatingly intens
Barret M107 or the FDIG .50 Cal. Compact Tactical Sniper Rifle
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
What the shit is this?
i know that is not entirely correct but i am bored and tired
Munkus is invincible
(I cheated off of 150)
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Right answer.
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
Two for two.
would you rather poop out your weiner or ejaculate out of your butt?
(note, if you chose the first, you still ejaculate out your weiner too, and if you chose the latter, you still poop out your butt)
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
what if they had you standing naked with your hands against a wall to execute you, and some guy behind you said "would you rather be shot or stabbed"
You gotta pick.
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
The man has a point.
150, take notes.
Posts can have points.
Classic execution scenario: guy is gonna shoot me in the head or slit my throat. I'll be aware and alive for the second, and from what I hear, it's pretty fucking painful.
Also, I'm being contrary and incooperative just to be a dick because this question sucks.
That situation does not make the dilemma less stupid.
I'd probably just start crying.
Am I infected?
Jordan of Elienor, Human Shaman
I would choose a pie.
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
I'd jizz out my bunghole, blinding my assailants, then run for sweet freedom.