If you look in the Writer's section, I've been posting my story "A Gang of Daggers."
Now, I would like to approach a comic book artist and turn the story into a comic, leave it kind of in the artist's hands. But I want to make the setting inner-city, poor, ghetto, black high school full of violence and gangs. I'm not that familiar with the setting, hence the need.
Also, I'm curious to see how the artist could take the concept of weapons and armor and "bling" the items.
Anybody know of an artist/company I could send a note to?
Also your idea is terrible
But Damion Scott comes to mind. Although he's kind of big time so no chance for you
Oh God! Not another one...!
If you're not familiar with the setting, quit now. You won't do anything right.
I've seen some of your story, and you have quite a way to go before even thinking about transitioning into a drastically different style of writing.
...Reggie Hudlin?
apparently, he wants to make it into everything.
he has a lot of faith in his piece of shit story.
Seriously, you don't need to know much about such things to draw fictionalized versions of them. Example: virtually every pop culture version of inner city "troubled" schools. Just have your artist watch Lean on Me or Dangerous Minds and you'll be more or less on par with what you'd generally see in comics anyway (I'm looking at you, NYX).
I mean, come on.
You misunderstood me
I was jokingly asking the OP if he was Reggie Hudlin.
Ah, I get it then. I am not amused.
Jesus, did he rape your dog or something? You're spending a lot of time bad-mouthing this guy, in here and the g&t thread. Calm down.
Then he makes posts everywhere about his terrible story.
That is slightly irritating.
Plus, blinged out armor
as one
Hey, don't knock the armor bling. Besides looking pretty fly, iced out chrome spinners on your bullet-proof vest reflect light in a dazzling and disorienting manner, causing your enemies to shoot badly. And those big platinum medallions with all the diamonds? Motherfuckers stop bullets from hitting your aorta.
Also, I have been a PA fan for years (even sending Tycho emails with ideas for the first and second PAX, which he did respond and thank me for). And since I enjoy Tycho's writing style so much, I figured others would. Since I think his writing is good, I was hoping that you guys could give me a critical review since you guys very likely have a similar taste for good writing (like me).
As for why I want a guy familiar with black culture is exactly that, I want a realistic expression. I want someone who can think like the characters and give a representation for that. The thing is, it would be a better way to express thru artwork, in my opinion, to capture the flavor and dialogue and way people would personalize and style their outfits.
Really, that is the key thing I am thinking of, how would these guys look.
Also, the BIG reason why I want to put the scenario into the urban ghetto is because you have people are considered "the bottom." They are looked down on for many reasons. Now, in this setting, you have people who are at the very bottom of the barrel, the social outcasts, nerds, dorks, etc.
Give these people the chance to come out of their shell, to be considered adults, to get tough, mean, belligerent. I mean, imagine watching a scrawny little kid with glasses become a muscled fighter, and then become a god of war on the battlefield. Then watch that guy come back to his high school and see guys try to push him around. He will violently push back.
A big theme I wanted to focus on is the violence you see exhibited on both worlds.
What is considered bad violence on earth, is considered normal stuff on Adrena. And then on Adrena, violence is very acceptable and encouraged.
But, anyways, back to the original point, I think the audience will be amazed and enjoy watching weak characters grow into powerhouses that are able to manifest their own destinies.
No guns on Adrena. Using guns draws unwanted attention, and especially makes people want to take the guns from you, and grab you and force you to give up where you got the guns.
I was going to have the limit of the technology be chain mail. Platemail is something beyond the abilities of the people. But since the Dagger has access to earth resources and shops, they will likely eventually pick up such armor, detail it for their own tastes, and use it on Adrena, having a dramatic effect on their opponents.
But that takes things in a new area which I would still need to explore. Hence why I want another head to work with on this.
And thanks for the name drop, by the way.
the rims would have to be on the horse-shoes.
and that just don't work.