I posted this in H+A but it didn't get any hits so i'm trying it out here, but it is basically a help thread.
Basically, I am a college student with a camry, (college in upstate newyork), my dilemma is that i have no sense of direction and am terrible at finding my way around, so if i wanted to venture out of town it would be difficult, especially if i intended on going to canada. Also i live on long island, and even though the roads are pretty intelligently laid out, my friends, new and old, live in various areas, and if i miss a turn, mapquest proves useless.
Basically i want something with text-to-speech (that says the names of roads) although i'm not perfectly sure how important this is
it's also important to note i only have about 600 dollars in the bank, so i don't want to spend anymore than 350 for the unit (not including tax, so hypothetically 380ish) but the cheaper the better. basically the best bang for my buck.
i've been looking around and the garmin systems seem to get the best ratings but i want your guyses input
TL;DR (it's short but i know you guys are lazy) I want a GPS system, i don't need mp3 or traffic navigation or anything fancy. just the best accurate GPS navigation system for a relatively low price
Though, it is just the form factor/price that I like. I think just about any gps is going to find roads and your position about as well as any other.
Also I think it would be rare to find someone who has been through multiple gpses, since one is usually enough. So, it might be best for you to find some gps review sites. Good luck!
I've gone through a Nextar and a TomTom. I didn't really like the menus and display but then I found a Magellan 4050 and fell in love.
While it's a little out of OPs price range I'm just going to suggest you poke around the floor models that the stores should have. Find the one with the best menu, voice clarity and map that you like the best. Dig through the options and really get a feel for the features.
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I'm not exactly sure which model it is, but I want to say it looks exactly like the StreetPilot® c330. It is portable, so you can take it with you in any vehicle, and it has a database of almost every attraction, entertainment, resteraunt, gas station, anything you can think of.
And if you miss the turn or feel like taking the highway instead of backroads or viceversa, it will reroute the directions without the user even touching the unit, which comes in handy during traffic or in the middle of big cities with contruction detours and such.
It does the speech to text you asked for, it's slim with a large touch screen, set up and use is very intuitive, it finds satellites quickly and keeps hold of them through the city (DC).
I recommend it to all my friends, so you might look into that.
I'm pretty happy with my TeleNav system in my phone. I have Sprint, but there's a ton of other ones out there, I'm sure. The good thing about this is if you are out walking about, you can use it for that, too. All I pay is an extra 10 bucks a month for it. It will say most common street names, can search by business and business type, and can sort through different route types. I used it to drive from Atlanta to Oklahoma to Washington state and had very few problems with it.
I got it as a Christmas gift and liked it enough that I replaced it when the first was stolen. You can find them for less than $300.
I'll second this one. It's been awesome even in Manhattan.
Buy some useless stuff at my Cafepress site!
EDIT: Oh, cowmeet posted it.