Supposedly a next November release from Midway:
Licensed cars make an appearance in the new version of the arcade classic. Anyone else think they should go back to the drawing board on this one? They can do better, graphics-wise
Edit: for the wii, NOT ds
XBL : lJesse Custerl | MWO: Jesse Custer | Best vid ever. | 2nd best vid ever.
Before I read your last sentence, my first post was going to be: Is this for the DS?
Because it looks really good for a DS game.
Anyone play those? Well, I'm sure some of you have. Remember finding that obstacle course hidden under that mountain?
Man the Rush games were good. And I generally dislike racing games.
Wow ... that's.... uh ....
Looks like San Fran Rush on the N64 except with a shorter draw distance.
I can do better, graphics-wise.
Heck, I could do better using only procedurally generated stuff.
EDIT: For reference: Cruis'n World on the N64:
At least the sky looked better waaaay back when.
1999 called.. they want there game design back, the menu's looks horrible, only 12 tracks.. *vomit*
This would still be a big step back. It needs to look at least as good as Mario Kart...
Seriously, all developers taken unawares by the popularity of the Wii are throwing crap together as quickly as possible. Take your goddamn time, assholes.
Except the choose track screen... that looks like Wii.
Steam, PSN, XBL, Xfire and everything else JamesDM
Didn't they revive Rush a year or so ago?
I think he's waiting for a "real" revival.
It's games like this that make people think the Wii is a Gamecube with motion controls slapped on.
Only the average Joe. Real gamers know that it's TWO gamecubes.
What the hell are they thinking??! I can deal with Alien Syndrome's bad graphics... but this is just plain awful.
I freaking loved san fransisco rush. My cousin and I would drive the hippie buses into the undermountain obstacle course and go off those big jumps and try to collide in mid-air. For hours.
As for the screenshots, is it possible theyre making a ds version and thats what those are from? Or maybe two gbas duct-taped together?
If that were true, they'd be better off just releasing Cruis'n USA on VC.
Because that had gameplay
I played Cruisin' USA once in the arcades. I say once because that's how many times it took to realize it was shitty. Also, the Midway logo on the side should have been a tip-off. They haven't made anything quality since the games on Midway Arcade Treasures.
I do have to admit that their name is appropriate, given what seems to be their approach to game design.
It will be a feast for the senses. Well, 4 of them.
And then Sony will issue a press statement: "Seeing is last Gen, Feeling is this Gen!"
"If you don't have anything nice to show, don't show it at all"
Steam | Live
I dunno, that's all I got. Forget PS1, a freakin' GBA can do better than that.
Actually, looking at this, the images might have been made worse by shitty scaling. Just look at the per-pixel scaling artifacts on the ovals and the text. It's like someone was running video scaled in software or something.
Hah. It's about the gameplay so long as it meets the minimum expected standards; which is, 'at least as good as last gen.'
This is DS quality stuff right here.
Thanks for nothing, Midway.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Its on par with most gamecube games. Not a big surprise considering that the wii isnt all that much more powerful.
(note: 2x the power does not mean the gfx suddenly become twice as good)
Umm those shots are worse than some of the Dreamcast's crappy looking racers.
Xbox Live Gamertag: Suplex86
Sonic and the Secret Rings, for example, had probably 3 times the draw distance, at least twice the texture resolution, far more objects on screen, Ageia Physx running, in 480p widescreen, with a rock solid framerate.
That ...thing.... labeled 'Crusin' might pass for a budget title for the Gamecube. Maybe.
All anyone asks for is something at least as decent and functional as your typical gamecube game, minimum. That looks like less than your typical gamecube game.
In its defense, however, those shots are obviously extracted from somewhere that they shouldn't have been, since they're apparently not screencaps, due to not being 480 resolution.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games