So, I've finally cracked my 360 down to its most basic components... getting the X-clamps off was a colossal bitch... before anyone asks, I cracked it open after the warranty expired, about 12 hours before X-Box extended all warranties... which sucks.
Anyway, I have some arctic silver to make this bad boy run cooler... but I need to get the old crap off. I have some rubbing alcohol, but it doesn't seem to be working well. Anyone have any suggestions?
When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
91% isopropyl alcohol and a no-lint cloth is what I've always used. A coffee filter will actually work wonderfully in place of the cloth.
I've used isopropyl in the past and its worked very well for removing the gunk off the chip.
Anyway, thanks for the help everyone. We can lock this bad boy down now.
Seconded. Any scraping is a very bad idea.
This is the correct answer.
If you must scrape, use something that is softer than the metal you are trying to clean. Something plastic would be your safest bet, but if you know the properties of the cpu face or heat sink, you could use a softer metal scraper.