Basic Mafia RulesDay 1 NarrationDay 2 NarrationDay 3 NarrationDay 4 NarrationDay 5 NarrationDay 6 Narration
Game over: Evil wins.
Vote with
!vote. Retract with
!retract. In the event of a tied vote, all tied people will be executed.
Monsters get 2 kills each night. Starting population is 34 villagers and 6 monsters.
There are no role PMs. The path you chose earlier is your role.
Full Narration
There is a city. It has held many forms and many names, and appeared countless times in history. Though every incarnation is different, its life is always the same. The city is besieged from within, attacked by those who oppose its ways. Its citizens are forced to turn on each other in hopes of stopping the intruders. Sometimes they are successful, and the city survives for a time. Sometimes they are not. The outcome is ultimately meaningless. The city is reborn elsewhere, and the endless cycle of death and renewal continues.
This is a story about that city, but it is not about any of those wars, those eternal struggles between good and evil. It is about something far important: this is the story of what happens after.
They were the only survivors. They had fled as the city fell, abandoning their homes. Once away from the fighting they gathered together, united in tragedy. With nowhere else to go, they set off to find a new home. They knew the journey would be long and treacherous. Those who had once protected them and fought for them and watched over them were long dead. They had only themselves now, and against the harsh dangers of the world many would not survive. But they were determined to find a place of safety, far from any battlefield.
Within their ranks were some of a different mind. They could not get over what they had lost, could not bear such grief, and in their hearts they swore that they would not let this happen again. They wished to build a city of steel and fire and war, become conquerors that could never be made to know sorrow. Their numbers were small compared to the others, but they knew that if they were in the majority by journey's end, their dreams could be realized. And so they waited.
The journey began...
On the first day, they traveled the grasslands. The once lush meadows had been torn apart by the war, and the bodies of the fallen lay everywhere. Lacking the time to mourn or bury the dead, they could only walk through in silence, each hoping not to see any familiar faces. Eventually night fell, and the people stopped to rest.
A few hours before dawn, a pack of werewolves approached, lean bodies slinking through the grass, grey fur matted with old blood. They had entered this land as normal men, soldiers on one side or another. But during the heat of battle they gave in to their cowardice and ran, betraying their companions. Consumed by Fear, they became twisted, vile beasts, neither man nor animal, unable to leave the battlefield. They had survived off the carrion around them, but now they had found fresher meat.
The sentry, iamtheaznman, was young and untrained, and barely had time to call a warning before his throat was ripped out. The camp woke to find themselves surrounded. Without weapons or means of escape, most only watched helplessly as several wolves feasted on Zot/b] and precisionK. Finally, a few found their Courage and began pelting the creatures with stones. Snarling, the werewolves retreated, but not before one latched its jaws onto Frosteey's ankle, dragging him with them as they left. By the time his cries could no longer be heard, the night was over.
On the second day, they traveled the seas. The tragedy of the previous night still lay heavy upon them, and while they were building their boats in the morning they also crafted bows and swords and slings. No longer would they be caught unprepared.
At the ocean's floor lay a dreadful creature, more a thing of nightmare and smoke than of flesh and blood. Once it had been worshipped as a god, and it sated itself on the bodies and Fear of its supplicants. But, like all things, time passed it by, and it was forgotten. It had lain still for ages, dead or dreaming or both. But now, sensing the life passing above, it began to stir...
The people stared in horror at the tentacles rising lazily from the water, stretching out dozens of feet above them. Then the bulk of the creature's body broke the surface, the displaced water battering the small boats as though they were caught in a storm. Its grotesque appearance was so terrible, so impossibly wrong, that the three closest to it, Manning'sEquation, Squashua, and Casket, wept and gouged out their own eyes to stop the vision. Blinded, they tumbled from their boat and disappeared beneath the waves.
Others had remained Vigilant, and a hail of arrows peppered the beast's rubbery hide, yet it seemed not to notice. It brought a single long tentacle down onto one of the boats, smashing it and killing MrBallBaggins and Thorgot. Another tentacle swept the boat holding Raakam, gundam470, and tuxkamen high into the air, and then in one swift motion the thing emptied the passengers into its gaping maw.
In midst of the panic and confusion, only one boat moved towards the creature instead of away. Its lone occupant, Last Son, stood there placidly, firing arrows at the creature. He didn't flinch as a tentacle wrapped around his waist and drew him closer to the monster, merely took aim and waited. At the last second he released the arrow, and it buried itself into one of the creature's bulging eyes. The thing roared and flung Squashua away. Even as he fell, he somehow kept ahold of his bow and nocked another arrow, loosing a final desperate shot that cleanly pierced the monster's remaining eye. The creature wailed in misery, and sank back below the waters. The sea gradually became calm once more.
Last Son's body never surfaced.
On the third day they traveled the cities of man. The people rejoiced at having found their way to civilization, and many hoped that this would be the end of their journey, that they would find a city that would welcome them. But the news of their situation had preceded them, and they were now considered cursed. The cities' leaders feared they would bring ruin and war if they were to stay, so each refused them entrance, until they had reached the last town, on the edge of the known world.
This city's official leaders were weak, ineffectual people, who had long ago given up their power to another group. The city's true leader was a criminal organization that had tendrils throughout the land. They were known as the mafia, and they had made Anger and Deceit their trade. They saw in the travelers an opportunity, and welcomed them into their midst. As good Samaritans, they explained, they sympathized with the travelers' plight, and would be happy to make this their new home. There was but one condition: that the people promise to forever obey them, and serve them in all things.
But the people were Wise, and recognized the truth behind the men, rejecting the offer. Angry, the mafia tried threatening the people, but stacked against the dangers and beasts they had encountered already, normal men could no longer scare them. Finally the criminals resorted to violence, but the people had learned Vigilance, and even as the ambush was ordered the travelers had their weapons in hand. The ensuing battle was short and brutal. When it was finished, Shinto, Hylianbunny, TehSpectre, and Savant lay dead, but their attackers were no more.
There was no celebration for their victory. The people knew they could not stay there or in any other city, that the mafia would seek retribution. The only place left for them to go now was back into the wilderness, into the unknown.
On the fourth day they traveled the wilderness. They passed through mountains and rivers and deserts and valleys, traversed places that had never known men and saw creatures they had never dreamed of. And the journey carried with it a steep price. Ninja killed Variable and Quid in their sleep. Richy and Malkor died fending off vampires. Nerissa lost her life saving the rest from changelings. DevoutlyApathetic killed an oni with his bare hands, and succumbed to his wounds hours later. With each step of the journey, their numbers grew fewer, and their hope of ever finding a home diminished.
And finally they had been everywhere. They had seen the entire world and found no place that could be their haven. Fear and despair overtook them, and all seemed lost. It was then that one of the oldest and Wisest of them spoke up.
"We have given up much to get here, and the trade seems most unfair. But we will honor those we left behind, and make their sacrifices meaningful. Though our future seems dark, and our path uncertain, we must not falter. If we remain ever Vigilant, if we hold onto our Courage, if we trust in our Wisdom, then we cannot fail. No matter how long it takes, no matter what hardships we must endure, we will continue. And if what we seek cannot be found on this world, then we shall find new worlds."
And the people saw the truth in his words, and they knew that their journey was not yet over.
On the fifth day, they traveled the universe. They walked among the stars, dug through dimensions, and swam through time. And after all that, still no refuge could be found, yet they all felt that their journey was coming to an end...
On the sixth and final day, they traveled the mind. There they finally came face to face with the evils that had troubled them throughout their journey. Courage rose up to protect them, but was blinded by Anger. Vigilance fought bravely, but could not stand against Deceit. Now alone, Wisdom succumbed to Fear.
And at last they had reached the end of their journey, the land of Death. And in their hearts, they knew they were home.
The Roles
Unlike most Phallas, there is no division between normal villagers and specials. Every villager in the game has chosen one of the following roles:
The Path of Courage
Can choose one person to protect every other night, starting on night 2.
The Path of Vigilance
Can choose one person to kill every third night, starting on night 2.
The Path of Wisdom
Can choose one person to seer every third night, starting on night 2. A seering will only reveal whether the target is good or evil.
These abilities do not have to be used immediately, and can be saved up instead. For example, someone who chose Courage could forgo using their power until night 5, and then protect someone for 4 nights in a row. No matter how many powers are saved up, only one can be used per night.
There is no rule against publicly revealing what path you have chosen. There's also no rule against lying about what path you have chosen.
The Monster Roles
The Path of Anger
Gets an extra monster kill every other night, beginning on night 2. Unlike village abilities, these kills can only be saved up for one night. In other words, their first extra kill can be used on either night 2 or night 3, their second extra kill can be used either night 4 or night 5, and so on.
The Path of Fear
Has two abilities that can both be used each night.
1) Chooses 1 target each night. Any abilities used by that person that night have no effect.
2) Chooses 1 other target each night. Any abilities used on that person that night have no effect. This does not protect from monster kills.
The Path of Deceit
If seered, appears to be good.
May choose 1 target each night. If seered that night, that person appears to be evil.
People do not receive any feedback from their powers. For example, if someone with Courage chooses to guard someone, they will not be told if they actually blocked an attack, or if they or their target was affected by a Fear ability.
The narration only reveals who died that night and whether those people were good or evil, not how they were killed or what powers were used. Monster kills and vigilante kills will appear the same. At times I may put hints into the narration about stuff that happened that night, but don't count on it.
Order of events each night:
Staking -> Fear -> Deceit -> Courage -> Vigilance -> Wisdom -> Monster Kills
There is a minimum activity requirement of 2 posts each day, and anyone who violates that twice will be replaced by a backup person or just kicked out. Encouraging others to commit suicide is frowned upon.
Good Guys
Variable Wisdom
Lord Cecil EagleLaser Courage
DevoutlyApathetic Courage
Oatway Courage
Quid Wisdom
Richy Wisdom
Nerissa Vigilance
gundam470 Vigilance
TuxKamen Courage
Hakkekage Courage
Shinto Wisdom
Last Son Vigilance
Malkor Vigilance
MrBallBaggins Wisdom
Thorgot Wisdom
Manning'sEquation Vigilance
FencingSax Wisdom
DaveTheRave Courage
Raakam Courage
iamtheaznman Courage
KupotheAvenger Vigilance
Zek Vigilance
precisionK Wisdom
Savant Courage
Locus Vigilance
Casket Courage
Squashua Vigilance
Curly_Brace Wisdom
Koan Vigilance
cj iwakura Vigilance
Frosteey Vigilance
PsychoCucumber Wisdom
Zot Vigilance
HylianBunny Wisdom
11 Wisdom
10 Courage
13 Vigilance
Bad Guys
amateurhour - Anger (no former role chosen)
FirstComradeStalin - Anger (formerly Vigilance)
TehSpectre - Deceit (formerly Vigilance)
Plutonium - Deceit (formerly Courage)
Aemilius - Anger (formerly Vigilance)
Durax - Fear (formerly Wisdom)
3 Anger
1 Fear
2 Deceit
cheez (Replaced Dave the Rave) - Vigilance
Niceguy Myeye (Replaced FirstComradeStalin) - Anger ( formerly Wisdom )
Bliss 101 (Replaced Curly_Brace) - Courage
grundlterror (Never Called) - No role chosen
Ardor (Never Called) - Courage
Game History
Order of Events
Staking -> Fear -> Deceit -> Courage -> Vigilance -> Wisdom -> Monster Kills
Day 1
Staking - precisionK and Zot tie, both dead
Monster Kills -
Monsters kill Frosteey
Monsters kill iamtheaznman
Total Kills -
Day 2
Staking - Casket Dead
Fear - Richy gets no action, Tehspectre can't be targeted
Deceit - DevoutlyApathetic and Thorgot appear evil
Courage -
Raakam protects KupoTheAvenger
Savant protects Savant
DevoutlyApathetic protects DevoutlyApathetic
Lord Cecil protects Lord Cecil
Vigilance -
Locus kills Last Son
Last Son attempts to kill Cecil but fails due to Courage
cj kills tuxkamen
Zek kills thorgot
gundam470 kills Manning'sEquation
Wisdom -
Psycho seers Devout and mistakenly gets an Evil hit
Richy attempts to seer Nerissa, fails due to Fear
Shinto attempts to seer TehSpectre, fails due to Fear
Quid seers Shinto
Monster Kills -
Monsters attempt to kill Savant but fail due to Courage
Monsters kill Raakam
Amateurhour kills MrBallBaggins
Aemilius kills Gundam
FirstComradeStalin kills Squashua
Total Kills -
Last Son
Replacements -
cheez replaces Dave the Rave
Niceguy Myeye replaces FirstComrade Stalin
Day 3
Staking - TehSpectre Dead
Fear - Variable gets no action, Shinto can't be targeted
Deceit - DevoutlyApathetic appears evil
Courage -
Hakkekage guards Hakkekage
Vigilance -
Nerissa kills HylianBunny
Wisdom -
FencingSax seers Quid
Variable attempts to seer Nerissa, but fails due to Fear
Hylianbunny attempts to seer Hakkekage but is already dead
Monster Kills -
Monsters kill Savant
Monsters kill Shinto
Total Kills -
Day 4
Staking - Nerissa Dead
Fear - Kupo gets no action, Variable can't be targeted
Deceit - Devoutly Apathetic appears evil
Courage -
Lord Cecil Eaglelaser guards Lord Cecil Eaglelaser
Oatway guards PsychoCucumber
Vigilance -
Malkor kills DevoutlyApathetic
cheezk tries to kill DevoutlyApathetic but the target is already dead
Wisdom -
Monster Kills -
Monsters kill Variable
Monsters kill Richy
Monsters kill Quid
Monsters try to PsychoCucumber but fail due to Courage
Monsters kill Malkor
Total Kills -
Replacements -
Bliss 101 replaces Curly_Brace
Day 5
Staking - PsychoCucumber Dead
Fear - Kupo gets no action, Aemilius can't be targeted
Deceit - CJ Iwakura appears evil
Courage -
Bliss 101 guards Bliss 101
Oatway guards Oatway
Hakkekage guards Hakkekage
Vigilance -
Kupo tries to kill Hakkekage but fails due to Fear and Courage
Koan kills Zek
CJ Iwakura kills FencingSax
Locus tries to kill Hakkekage but fails due to Courage
cheez kills amateurhour
Wisdom -
PsychoCucumber tries to seer Hakkekage but is already dead
Monster Kills -
Monsters kills Locus
Monsters try to kill Zek but he is already dead
Total Kills -
Day 6
Staking - Lord Cecil Eaglelaser Dead
Fear - cheez gets no action, Aemilius can't be targeted
Deceit - Bliss 101 appears evil
Courage -
Hakkekage protects Hakkekage
Oatway protects cheez
Vigilance -
Wisdom -
Monster kills -
Monsters try to kill cheez but fail due to Courage
Monsters kill Kupo
Aemilius kills CJ Iwakura
Niceguy Myeye kills Koan
Total Kills -
Lord Cecil Eaglelaser
CJ Iwakura
You're not the boss of me.
!vote Casket
If anybody deserve to eat the day 1 bandwagon it's a guy who threatens others.
!vote Casket
That was kinda messed up.
!vote Casket
Now at the same time we have our day 1 bandwagon issue. It's always an issue since we have no info at this time and somebody has to eat it. Happily a solution to both our probems presents itself: I suggest creepy fuck number 1: Casket eat a day 1 bandwagon.
Normally I don't like to conflate in game and out of game behavior, but fuck.
I guess.
Yes, apparently they do. I'm not goning to join the bandwagon at the moment though.
I wonder though... say DevoutlyApathetic, why do you want Casket to die?
Also, can't we NOT kill someone?
Your evil ally Casket?
I see through your scheme.
Sure. Everyone votes for one person. RNG determines who dies.
Or, we all do.
You know, the whole thing about not killing people for outside reasons kind of resonates with me.
You're on notice, Casket
Well, that's no fun. Someone give me several reason why I should vote for person X, person X being the dude(tte) you wanna see buy the farm.
Sorry about overreacting to the hijinks that game. And for the record, the teams were pretty balanced. You were just manhandled all over the place.
I wanted Path of Typhon, but it wasn't available.
You decide.
!Zot is evil.
!Casket is an OK dude...for the moment.
Because I still haven't gotten mine.
And I'm going to have to go with a little of both.