I'm all down for some Settlers of Catan (Cities & Knights baby!) and some Munchkin (I have Munchkin Fu and I'm borrowing the complete Munchkin from a friend for an extended loan).
I'm not so sure I want to lug my copy of Twilight Imperium down, but I can certainly bring Die Siedler (thats german for Settlers) and, say, Taj Mahal.
But if all we're getting is people who think Munchkin and Fluxx are worth playing, we might not have an audience for such fare.
puerto rico is a fun board game if you like settlers of catan. it's crazy complicated at first, but a really good strategy game, imo. i wish i still had it to bring.
Hi everyone! I'm super glad to see interest in board games at PAX! Officially, my mad board game geek friend Dante and Louise will be demoing all sorts of exciting games from noon-6pm on Saturday. I also have some people who are bringing a box or two of board games for people's general use (please don't steal them!). So there will definitely be board games being played. ::grins:: I will be doing my absolute best to make sure that everyone has room in the free play area to do what they want, so if you need a table, come and find me or one of my minions and we'll get you space for some Settlers or Dread Pirate or Royal Turf or whatever!
I always got a laugh out of 3 player Puerto Rico as it allows an effective Corn Rush strategy.
It pleases me to see some folks interested in higher quality games. I'm tempted to bring some, but its a long way and theirs not a lot of room in my car, so I hope we'll have enough players and games to make a good show of it.
(Is Frag Doll more than just a bad Ubi marketing gimmick?)
If I was convinced enough people wanted to play Diplomacy, I'd bring it. But since I only know for certain that my friend and I would, that's problematic. Diplomacy is best played with the maximum number of players, which I believe is seven.
I have a deep an abiding hatred for all of you who are reminding me I can't play any of these great games here in Korea.
Maybe if I get stationed in germany I can play some great german games at least...
One of the big contributors on BoardGameGeek.com is from South Korea. I should ask him where he gets his stuff, as he could hook you the fuck up.
I certainly appreciate it, but that isn't the problem. I can get the games, but no one here would play them. There are a lot of casual videogamers here, but that is about as far as it goes. I can barely get these guys to try new card games. Much less board games or DnD.
Fuck, they wouldn't even try Liers Dice.
TDL on
Meet me on my vast veranda
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
KnobTURN THE BEAT BACKInternetModeratorMod Emeritus
my buddies and I play alot of diffrent board games... when I can tear myself away from WoW....
Gamer Transit Authority
*looks around*
... Killer Bunnies... ?
if you don't have bunnies you can't win the game....
I'm not familiar with the landscape. How big are the freeplay rooms? I'm worried they'll be dominated by D&D nerds. :P
But I am SO down for a game of that. I don't know if I'd hazard bringing my own box down, though.
The freeplay room had very few hardcore D&D nerds, but alot of D&D fans.
But if all we're getting is people who think Munchkin and Fluxx are worth playing, we might not have an audience for such fare.
Gamer Transit Authority
Gamer Transit Authority
I haven't played Puerto Rico for a while. It would be fun. At the Doubletree if nothing else, since I'll be working a significant portion of PAX.
It pleases me to see some folks interested in higher quality games. I'm tempted to bring some, but its a long way and theirs not a lot of room in my car, so I hope we'll have enough players and games to make a good show of it.
(Is Frag Doll more than just a bad Ubi marketing gimmick?)
MYSTERIUM 2014 Spokane, WA
Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst & Beyond
Your acronyms confuse me.
Settlers, Carcassonne, Shogun (if anyone owns it, it's Risk++).
Although I haven't played Twilight Imperium, it does look pretty spiffy, and I totally understand if someone doesn't want to lug the whole box to PAX.
Doom also looks cool, apparently, you have an overwhelming feeling of being completely fucked the whole game.
I will bring my Citadels set. Fun card game.
As for RPGs, I'd like to participate in Paranoia, or even watch, if anyone is GM'ing it.
*grin* 1000 Blank White Cards, and Apples to Apples
MYSTERIUM 2014 Spokane, WA
Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst & Beyond
War of the Ring would be as heavy as I'd want to get. And now that I think of it, it would be an excellent game for PAX as it has high nerd appeal.
game artist/designer
I bet you're thinking of Scattergories.
Maybe if I get stationed in germany I can play some great german games at least...
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
Someone please tell me I'm not insane and I'm not the only person who has heard of this game.
One of the big contributors on BoardGameGeek.com is from South Korea. I should ask him where he gets his stuff, as he could hook you the fuck up.
I certainly appreciate it, but that isn't the problem. I can get the games, but no one here would play them. There are a lot of casual videogamers here, but that is about as far as it goes. I can barely get these guys to try new card games. Much less board games or DnD.
Fuck, they wouldn't even try Liers Dice.
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
I'd love to play that. Do you have it? Or dose some have a copy they can bring?
I have it and all the expansions up to Zombies!!! 4.
I'm thinking of bringing Frag, too.
And Chez Geek is a freaking must.
I only get to play it like once a year
Miss I play awesome games with my cool husband/boyfriend/thingy