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attn: pocky @ PAX

sillyrabbitsillyrabbit Registered User regular
edited 2007 25 in PAX Archive
So guys, I am afraid I have bad news for you.
Apparently, tomorrow, there might be a massive shortage of pocky @ Pax
and by saying massive shortage, i mean there wont be any.

We "Sweet Kitty" were informed today(Friday 8/24) that we were to stop selling pocky and treats because it was against the rules and polices of the Washington State Convention & Trade Center. Although we were told by a very very very very important source that it was fine, we were politely asked to stop selling them.

Tomorrow, if things dont get resolved, we might not be selling any food items.
There is a rumor that Bawls might be selling uhh...bawls somewhere outside the convention center and we might do the same.


sillyrabbit on


  • EskimoAznEskimoAzn Registered User regular
    edited 2007 25
    Nooooo...!! Me likey Pocky!!
    Are you guys re-stocking regular merchandise tomorrow (and the next day)?

    EskimoAzn on
    "It's because I'm an Asian, isn't it???"
  • nearlysobernearlysober Registered User regular
    edited 2007 25
    So. Goddamn. Lame.

    What... the convention center isn't happy with the 45 minute wait at the pizza store? Or the non-stop 30 person lines at Subway & Taco Del Mar... holy shit if people sell candy then the whole monopoly will fall apart!

    nearlysober on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited 2007 25
    Starting to miss Bellvue...

    PikaPuff on
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