We should share our tales of victory!
Tournament: Half Life 2 Deatmatch
Place I came in: 9th place
Aprrox # of people in the tournament: Around 100.
This is the first time I have gamed competively and I loved it! Can't want to try it again.
During the first 4 rounds I played very well. I even came in first on the server I was on for round three! The last round we played with the last 16 people, I just did not play as well as I could have. The top three people of the last round got some points which could be used to "buy" some prizes from the pax prize booth. These are nice prizes too. Like gaming keyboards, autographed laser prints of Penny Arcade characters and copies of video games. The winner got 300 points, I think 2nd place got 200 and thrid got 150 points. I am not sure how many points some of the prizes were...
The tournament was actually very grueling. It went from 4:30PM right up until 7PM and because everyone was so good, it was difficult to give 100% effort for 5 rounds with only short breaks (not time for a potty break) between rounds.
So I joined this torunament to see how good I was, and I accomplished that goal. Even in a convention filled with gamers, I can kick some serious ass at HL2 DM!
There was lots of gravity gun usage, but few people were cooking grenades and some contestants did not know simple things like the fact that the grenade can be tossed a shorter distance by using the alternate fire button (he did not make it past the first round).
I believe the last round was City 17. The one with the rocket launcher on the top floor. I played the map in an earlier round and did very well, but on the final round on that map, I never really hit my "stride".
Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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i was Tiny Lobster.
i placed 3rd in that competition - i pegged you as being one of the three/four people i was gonna have to compete against for one of the top spots!
i was pretty surprised when i didn't see you up there.
i had a blast, i can't believe i made it to 3rd. that was like, my fourth time playing HL2:DM.
it's about fucking time though, i've been to every PAX and i've always lost first round in tournies.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
I will admit that I should have asked to take advantage of the one 15 second chance to calibrate the lag on station 9. But it probably wouldn't have helped anyway, as I've only played the song like twice before.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Yay for 3 free passes and 3 free BYOC passes for next year.
Did anyone make good use of the redeemer? I didn't get a chance to watch this event, which made me a little sad.
Heh, must have been 2 rounds then because I took the DOOM tourney on Saturday night.
-Bill Cosby
Big thanks to my doubles partner! I had never met the guy until about 40 minutes before the tournament. Thanks!
- Mr. Pulsar
If the handheld tournament works the same next year, I'll probably enter, but I won't seek out people to challenge. I'll just wear a sign saying "I'll accept any Tetris challenges" and then go to the events as if there was no tournament. I won't win that way, but at least I'll get to see stuff.
Last year we were out first round, and to go on so far was awesome, especially since two of our original members bailed on us at the last minute, so we picked up a Commander from Freeplay, a guy waiting for a team for BF2, and someone who had never even played the game.
That said, Thanks a ton Ryan and Vince, you guys were fantastic.
AJ, practice.
Zach, Daniel, and myself (Frank) will all be back next year for the next round.
Everyone there was cake except for Otto. (aka SilentWolf)
We owned everyone....badly (as in my quarter and semi final matches were three and four stock victories xD)
i was hoping to face you, not so much otto... got pwned by junglejapes tho
Tied for 3rd (with whom I'm not quite sure) at SSBM.
I continue to be saddened/bitter that 3rd didn't even give a few points for a consolation prize. With Jump/Silent there I pretty much went in knowing 3rd was the best I was going to do. Also nice work taking out Mark. I will forever be able to taunt him with the fact that he got beaten by a guy in a dress.
And Jump, who were you playing in the semi-finals, you 4-stocked them in that first round. Oh right, that was me . At least I didn't do so miserably on the second game.
Wow, not that you are boasting or anything...
2nd round we played the SoSwhatever people, who knocked out 8bit in the first round. We lost 0-16.
3rd round we played CAUC which was made up of people from our hometown, and lost 10-18 or something.
We had fun, though, and taht is all that matters to us.
my friend made it into the top 8 as well
he lost to the guy who won. would have been interesting to see how he would have faired against the other top 8 guys.
why was the #1 guy such a robot? he said absolutely nothing. it seriously was like watching a robot.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
@ Xenocide - Otto is a nice guy. He just wanted to get the tourney over with though. The TV's were sooo laggy, it was irritating us.
I remember you mentok and tiny lobster... both of my "high priority" opponents
I did pretty well the first few rounds. I actually thought the second to last game was the final round, so I was all excited to have gotten 3rd. But alas, there was one more round and I ended up 8th.
That last round was insane, though. The basement with the combine powerball was just one whirlwind of flying physics objects.
It was pretty interesting... during the first couple rounds you hear people complaining about those "cheap tactics" such as launching grenades etc. etc. But in that last round it was no holds barred madness. Launched grenades, more flying phys objects than I knew were on there, and super weapon usage... I think my average survival time was like 5 seconds. Awesome.
Oh, right, Fasa destroyed everyone. Well, I got a G&T book,
Sorry for beating you so bad
I can't believe I got 2nd place for the 3rd damn year in a row. GRR. Where's my first place win? I DESERVE IT BY NOW.
Was fun and I would do it again!
I wanted the blue one but it got grabbed first, the other choices were gray and green so I took the gray ipod.
I tied for fifth in the HDTS! Mostly by playing Puzzle League (at which I went undefeated for all of PAX), with a touch of Meteos.
So how are the prizes for that being distributed? Am I gonna get an email at some point or something?
Do you wish to continue?
WARNING: This game contains dragons.
Do you still wish to continue?
Got owned in the second round of Gears.
I like to stay consistent.
Semifinalist in Rainbow 6.
Lost in round 2 of pool play in GH2 Singles
Also I managed to pull 1st in the Supreme Commander tourny. By default win ownage! We were the only team that wanted to play, so we won, but didn't get any prizes hahah.
I won in my heart and mind the Warhammer Beta drawing. Now I just have to find some one who ACTUALLY won the beta so I can break their legs and steal the beta key. Oh yes.
I was in the tourney on Friday, and I don't recall the Redeemer getting fired at all. I think the average life expectancy per spawn was around 5-6 seconds, though, hehe. Don't get me wrong, it was good fun, but I'd have preferred a bit more skill in the match, yeah. ;D
Naw, don't be mad becauseof that. They are a team who constantly practices. My Pug took them to Double Over-time, but The tournament ran so late they forced us to stick with the Tie.
The guys who took first, Transformers are all awesome guys, and have been playingCS since before I started PC gaming so I have no problem losing to them with pug. Given I could have just tried tobeast even harder, but the map that was got stuck on wasa rather team oriented map which involves quite a bit of coordination and early rotations (De_Season).
I had a lot of fun this year, I wish I had won the tournament, but honestly anyone who talked to me at the event knew i was very content with just the time spent playing against all you friendly people. If people were confused, I was on Team Nub and my alias shifted anywhere from pNo<3Ghrog to PINNOCHIO in awesome sized lettering.
What I'd like to do is Thank everyonepartof BYOC,Tournament, and Freeplau for being nothing but awesome the entire time working with the CS:S tournament. I'd like to apologize if I come off as an asshole, but I'm honestly quite friendly (Not sure if you met me at the event so maybe you don't know just quite how 'friendly' i can be). Thank you to the enforcers who stayed round all-day long to make sure everything was safe, and well secured.
Thank you to all Enforcers who cleaned up and stayed After-hours to make sure everything got cleaned up.
I may not have the 3 titles year after year of winning the CS:S tournament, but I sure as hell knew I was making some nasty, nasty shots!
Nick and Chris for making that tournament run as smooth as humanly possible with such a busy event.
I started doing it when I got one of them.
They also swept us 16-0...