The customized Guitar Hero II

Fo0dNippl4Fo0dNippl4 Registered User regular
edited August 2007 in PAX Archive
There was a dedicated PS2 playing a customized GH2 in one of the Console Free Play rooms. It had a completely new track list, with tracks from Optimus Rhyme and MC Frontalot, and songs like Cessation of Mammon, among others. There were prizes available for beating Bowser Shredder and Cessation of Mammon. Anyone know if and where the note tables and/or songs are available on the internet?

Fo0dNippl4 on


  • JoahWJoahW Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    This may or may not be treading into the muddy waters of legality.

    Just a heads-up.

    JoahW on
  • Fo0dNippl4Fo0dNippl4 Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I suppose. I was looking to find them for Frets on Fire or Freetar, though.

    Fo0dNippl4 on
  • xxhennersxxxxhennersxx Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    someone brought a swap disc and a DVD-R of customized GH2? I can't really even help you out besides that man because anyone can make any tracks or note charts so even if i had the same tracks, if they did teh note charts themselves or got them some place else it wouldn't be the same.

    xxhennersxx on
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