I don't know where I'm going with this, but I couldn't find a good Zelda thread to vent my frustration.
I started playing Twilight Princess, but when Ocarina of Time came out on the VC, I bought it and stopped playing TP because I wanted the full experience.
And let me tell you, from someone who has never played or experienced Ocarina before... it's fun, and I can see where Twilight Princess got it's inspiration, but what really gets me...
...is that I need to murder that f*cking "HEY, LISTEN!" fairy.
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
At all. My brain is immune to her "heying" and "listen-ing"
She scared me once though. I was slowly creeping through a room that I knew had wallmasters and suddenly HEY! I almost jumped out of my chair. She just wanted to warn me about the wallmasters.
I like Navi too. She's nice and helpful if you don't know what you're doing like I did the first time I played OoT.
Exactly. I just find it weird that people bitch so much about her when there's that goddamn fucking owl to bitch about instead.
Why did I keep pressing the B button?
The only reason for him is to intro you to each section and to substitute for Epona when you're young.
Basically, I've been playing... a lot... and Navi has to remind me every morning that there's a frozen wind blowing, or that a sage is waiting for me, or whatever.
I just want to take a tennis racket to her.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
Plus, "hey listen" is a damn anoying voice sample.
I've had no problems with it, but I've never played the ports; playing using the special Wii component cables; I see a little white artifacting at polygonal corners, but that's about it.
Yes, better than The Wind Waker.
There, I said it.
The little sequence before it starts, definitely.
Mine doesn't do that.
Those iron boots look pretty heavy!
Wind Waker was pretty awesome, but Ocarina was far and away the most epic thing anyone had ever seen in a video game up to that point it time. That kind of experience is pretty hard to top.
One thing they fixed in Twilight Princess (never played Majora's Mask; can't remember if it happens in Wind Waker) was that the boots became an ITEM so you don't have to hit start to change clothes all the time.
Having JUST BEAT IT, the problem with the Water Temple in OoT is threefold:
2 - If you start over, you 100% forget that the room you met Ruto in has three levels and you can go UP.
3 - You don't realize till later that the item in the Water Temple is an EXTENSION to the hookshot; chances to use the extension are more prevalent than the fact that an extension exists in the first place.
Having said that; any tips for fishing as Adult Link? I can't get the damn fish to bite.
The final boss of Twilight Princess wasn't difficult but it was exciting and fun.
And Wind Waker final boss is the best of all.
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Boss? Hard.
Speculation on "unreachable" items? I bet I have to do-over this temple in miniature form.
Question If a gold spider appears on the map, does that mean I have cleared all the Gold Skulltulas from that map?
I like Navi, I don't get the hate either
I even named my car Navi.
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Is your license plate "HEY LSN"?
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Hell, I prefer Navi to Midna - although I'm only about 40% of the way through TP.
Same with Kaepora Gaebora, though he annoyed me instantly. I kept pressing B to shut him up, too
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