I'm dead serious, it sucks out loud. I get blue screen'd even when I do NOTHING, and the most recent games I could run are Unreal Tournament (1) and Neverwinter Nights (1). So, two-part question:
I run an Intel Celeron 2.40 GHz with 512 MB of RAM and a Raedon 9200 (PCI, 128MB). I have a 40GB hard drive and a CD-ROM (as opposed to DVD)
What do these BSOD errors mean and how can I fix them?
I plan on making some upgrades to my PC:
1. Getting a 256 MB video card
2. Getting 1 GB of RAM
3. Bigger Hard Drive
4. DVD-ROM (seriously, I saw a collection of HL games (HL:S, HL2:Ep 1, CS:S, and HL2) for $20 and couldn't play them because I don't have a DVD ROM.
So the second question is, do I need to make these upgrades if it will make my PC more stable, or should I fix the BSOD errors first and see how it goes?
I would totally get those upgrades though. I'd probably get the video card last, as it's the least conspicuous upgrade (outside of texture resolution in games).
That and you'd probably want to upgrade the CPU and motherboard before the video card anyways. Especially if you only have PCI slots and no AGP or PCI-E.
Here is a page on BSODs http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleid=1647&page=8
Also, are these errors caused by just DLing games and Opera and stuff?
I wouldn't think so, unless maybe those games have malware in them. I think a low level software (like drivers or operating system) or hardware problem is more likely. The system could be running out of memory, but the errors for that looked like they were slightly different.
Last time that happened to me, it was cause my hard drive was in its death throes. A couple of weeks later and it was kaput.
If you haven't already, go about backing up your data.
2) reformat