I've just been given a P133 (MMX no less!) in one of the largest cases I've seen in a good long while! Can't get it home (or crack it open) at the moment so I can't see what else is inside. I could hazard a guess it's about 128mb ram, 8gb hd and no sound card (I can see the lack of sound from the back!). It's got two USB sockets though!!!
Suggestions thus far have been:
Make a box-car racer out of it
Chuck it.
Before I resign it to the bin, have you any suggestions what I could do with such an old machine? Could it be put to any use on my home network? Any distributions of linux work reasonably well on it?
Comedy and real suggestions both welcome!
I do fancy a bit of Ecstatica and Wing Commander though!
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
It's been a while since I've had my P133, my memory has obviously failed me as to what was standard back then
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
How many years back are we looking for a P133, what era games can I think of?
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Anyway, P133's were coming out in late '95/early '96. I remember getting a P200 with MMX and feeling like a total badass... until they came out with Pentium 2's, like, a month later.
My 360 is [strike]back[/strike] [strike]bricked[/strike] back!
This. I have an old 486 in my shed out back I've been meaning to do this with for ages.
A retro PC would be really nice to have again.
Then we destroyed the case by doing the same but tying two rockets together and sticking them FIRMLY in the ground so they wouldn't take off.
I recorded it all, but it's largely just I and a bunch of friends giggling to ourselves in the dark with the odd explosion.
Death to the PC is an option, but I may try to get some retro fun out of it. Once I get it open I'll see how big the motherboard etc is and see if I can squeeze it in a smaller custom case.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
A couple of weeks back I tried to get an old P166 working as a stepping stone from my Dreamcast to my network so that I could play online again - it didn't work (driver issues) but I can recommend a HDD install of Damn Small Linux as something that ran surprisingly snappily and looked great.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
It starts with "X"
And ends with "-Com"
Here's another suggestion: It starts with "Master" and ends with "Of Orion", or "Of Magic"
I'm going with this one up to now.
Being that I have X-Com running quite nicely on a virtual machine at home anyway
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Damn you, it runs quite funky on my iBooks, DosBox.
Still I would rather get the definitive Amiga A1200 version of it working if I can, as the music is much much better. But I'm too lazy to keep swapping the disks these days. And my Amiga's disk drive is pretty fucking surly.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
emnmnme: that'll only get him the Core version, though.
That video is so fake. Please tell me you don't believe that they actually o/c'd that proc to 4GHz and it exploded?
If it was running 4GHz they would need a peltier(sp?)/water cooling setup to keep it stable enough to boot and run cpu-z to prove it, and the CPU fan wasn't even spinning.
That, and a over-heated CPU wouldn't blow out of the socket, there was a firecracker under it (or something similar) and the hole was pre-drilled/cut.
that or make an indoor planter out of it.
dos-box/old gaming box
fileserver / printserver
hardware firewall
( this and fileserver require more throughput than processor speed, so you may need to get some faster nics )
install linux / bsd and play around with it
get a bunch of old PCs and experiment with clustering and ad-hoc space heating
target practice
recycle it (this will probably cost you)
start your garbage dragon horde