So, Jam Sessions is coming out in about 2 weeks so I figure it's time for another thread about it.
Personally, I'm excited but a bit worried. On one hand, it'll be cool to try out various chord combinations on the DS before trying them out on my guitar so that I won't inhibit myself by choosing only chords that are easy to play.
But I'm also a little worried because I'm still a little iffy on the sound quality. In some previews it sounds just like a real guitar, but in others it sounds pretty crappy, the chords are muted prematurely, and it seems that even actual musicians have a hard time playing in time. Hopefully it's just a matter of practice.
Anyway, are you planning on getting this game, and if so, why? As a practice-aid for guitar, or as an instrument in its own right? A bit of both?
EDIT: Oh, by the way, you can listen to a bunch of people playing it on
EDIT 2: Oops, just noticed that the older thread was updated as late as yesterday. Sorry, I'll post there instead.