Are there any games you absolutely kick ass at? Any games where you can school any competition, but most importantly your close friends? Have you ever tossed down with
two guys at an arcade and lived to tell the tale?
This is a thread where we brag about just how awesome we are at certain games (I'm looking at you, Super Smash Fans) and tell stories of ownage and domination. Youtube footage is highly encouraged, but mere hyperbole is the only real requirement to tell a story.
The game that I'm best at conveniently also happens to be a game that barely anyone has ever played - Die by the Sword. It's a unique little pc swordfighting game that's a little under a decade old now, but still one of the deepest games I've ever played. My friends and I play in deathmatch arena mode, usually betting against one another for titles like Ultimate Grand Master of the Universe, a title which I currently hold. While my closest rival prefers the heavier blade and damage of the Orcish lieutenant, I prefer the elegant speed and agility of the Skeleton swordsman. Here's a
video of some of the matches we've had (including some fights with him and AI backup) edited together to make me look awesome, as a bonus it also includes cheesy music I ripped from one of the Matrix movies.
So have at thee! Tell us all about your skills with a joystick.
also shit bitches I am the worlds greatest skifree player don't even test bitched
look at the nub i would pwn him so hard.
not that great of achievement, but it was neat because i'd played the game like, 4 times.
i'd say that The Specialists and Jedi Knight 2 are the two games that nobody can beat me at. maybe not jk2 now, been a long time... but certainly The Specialists.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
dont fuck with my strider/doom (except if youre cl0ckwork)
or blackheart/guile
(being good with top tiers is shooting fish in a barrel)
I take it in JK2 you were doing one-on-one saber duels? I've never understood how saber combat in that game really worked, I've always just button mashed and hoped that I would win, but I've only really faced the game AI and it was never particularly good.
Weird thing? I utterly suck at beat-'em-ups these days. Utterly. To the extent I have difficulty pulling off special moves, let alone nasty health-eating combos.
Oh, and when Half-Life first came out I could play just about any MP mod and excel. Can't say the same these days- but in its heyday, I was especially good at Op4 CTF and the early versions of DoD and Firearms: 25 - 0 scores and shit like that.
And now nobody remembers them! Woe is me!
yep, 1v1 no force saber duels.
the saber combat was... amazing. unless you played it a ton, you never really understood the subtle nuances. so much went into dueling in that game... mmm. then they raped it with Jedi Academy, gah
i want a proper JK3 plz, thx.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
I remember Firearms, and just how horrible I was at that game. I'm pretty sure out of those 25 kills per game at least 10 would be coming from me, as I stumbled into mortar after mortar, blew myself up with grenades, shot my teammates in the face with sniper rifles and failed time and time again to open up my parachute. I just could never fathom how a game could be so realistic in some areas and not-realistic in others, which meant I tended to play more like TFC than anything else.
I'm also pretty kickass at THPS3.
The thing that pissed me off is that when I went online (with JK2 or 3) nobody ever used sabers, they'd all just sit and snipe and shit. I thought it was fucking retarded. I mean, I know if they had meant for everyone to only use sabers then they wouldn't have put in the guns, but who in hell plays JK2 or 3 to fucking shoot people? I mean seriously?
I salute you good sir.
The only things I have yet to five-star are Six, Jordan and (don't laugh) Tattooed Love Boys.
I can believe it. That main riff, with its rapid g/g+y alternations, take some practice. I know it took me some practice to get a 5-star on.
I'll probably never 5-star Six. There's just something about it I can't wrap my head around. I think my high score is about 235k.
Back in the day I was really good at Rival Schools. I could keep people up in the air for the whole match, it was ridiculous.
And not saying I'm still good now, because I never play it anymore, I used to be the shit at MvC2. I had it on the Dreamcast, and could use 3 Dans and kill anyone.
Wii U NNID: MegaSpooky
Actually this
Well what eventually drove me away from the mod was the dev's sudden idea to make it that you couldn't fire various weapons while moving.
Which invariably meant you'd get a "CAN'T FIRE THIS WEAPON WHILE MOVING!" popup as you come across an enemy, and attempted to stop moving and press your fire button all at the same time.
That was just ludicrously stupid. But prior to that, the game was awesome- inconsistent realism was better than all consuming anal-retentive realism. Not fun.
that's from The Specialists. if somebody wants to put that in a spoiler and image it for me, feel free to do so.
people posting pictures inspired me to make with the pict0rz.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Always have handraised Charizards, Alakazams, and Nidokings.
Over 60 hand raised 100 lvl pokemon.
Crazy box organization in Ruby/ Firered.
Considering selling PS2 to fund purchase of new DS to get Diamond and start my addiction over again.
I played in a clan that had a saber-duel exclusive server.
It was epic
I absolutely dominated with my style-switchin' skillz+energy drain.
Man. Much kudos for going that long. Always liked The Specialists but never really got much beyond a 1:1 ratio: I was just way too slow for that game.
force. no force is where it's at. what clan were you in? i frequented all the good clan servers - most were NF, or NF after accepting a duel, though.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
For the most part, force was removed, except occasionally it was permitted.
Same goes for Oblivion, actually. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul was no match for my enhanced killer mage.
Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
I used to do that all the time when I played. My friends got scared of the chainsaw noise cause usually if they heard it, that meant they were dying. I can't find my Gears disc though .
I want to compete in EVO so bad. I hope it's still around when I get back to the US.
Wii U NNID: MegaSpooky
Also, Street Fighter Alpha 3 arcade; reached Bison one-handed(it was the only way I could make the game more challenging. I literally played it too much).
It mostly involves cheap tactics though; lots of jumps and fierce punches/kicks.
I'd love to go to EVO, but only to compete in something Alpha or Rival Schools.
Maybe Tekken, but I'd probably get slaughtered(Julia user).
holy shit.
hat's off.
closest ive ever gotten to evo was playing guys like ace vallera, cl0ckwork and beating potter at cap 2.
I remember the specialists.
Mostly I remember being able to rack of enormous amount of noscope kills with the Barrett at ridiculous ranges.