Ever since I got my Xbox 360 and registered it and everything I have been completely unable to sign into xbox.com using my Windows Live ID. I can sign into Xbox Live using my Windows Live ID just fine but NEVER been able to use it on xbox.com.
Every time I try to log in it says "Build your Gamer Card" so I type in my Gamertag on XBL, pick the gamer zone "Pro" and choose a gamer picture then click next. It of course says "This gamertag is already taken." but allows me to choose "Yes, this is my account. Sign in as Spore Cloud." So then it once again brings me to the login page where I try to use my Windows Live ID but it just says "Invalid Windows Live ID
The Windows Live ID you supplied is not correct for Spore Cloud." which is absolute bullshit.
At this very moment I am signed onto XBL under Spore Cloud and checking Account Management>Windows Live ID I am definitively trying to sign in using the correct Windows Live ID for my gamertag.
What gives?
Know of a way to get on the xbl forums without signing in using the Windows Live ID? I've searched and searched but haven't been able to find anything helpful.
EDIT: Oh, it does look like I can register on the xbl forums without using my live id.
Double EDIT: Er, the forums I found wasn't the official one, the official one does require the live id.
I've tried both, neither works
I have been wondering this myself. It is annoying as hell and I have yet to once use messanger from the 360. I really wish I had never turned it on.