It's no secret that games can allow the player to do some pretty deplorable things (as far as society is concerned). Beat a hooker to death with a bat, execute your teammates in point blank range, steal from people's houses, etc.
But has there ever been a situation where you personally didn't have the stomach to go through with the act? I remember reading how a few people didn't have the stomach to initiate the curb stomp to their opponent in Gears of War, mostly since it reminds them of the inspired scene from American History X. I personally, have no problem performing said stomping, since A) it's not like there's a non-messy way to finish off your opponent, and
knowing that the person your're curb stomping is some 13 year old asshole you laughs at your noobiness only makes me wish I could stomp them repeatedly. While mounting their head on my bayonet.
But in my case, one act I can never bring myself to commiting is the option to shoot the trapped dog in the beginning of Resident Evil 4. I've been tempted a couple of times to pull the trigger and see what happens, but merely aiming at the poor pup makes my stomach turn. Blame my avid love for dogs.
Also, though far less deplorable, I tend to not be a dick to my fellow party members in RPGs, even if the story isn't affected no matter what choice you make.
So how about you? Ever had moral issues with what you could do in a certain game?
1. Metal Gear Solid 3. You should know where if you've played it, you should buy it if you don't.
2. Prey. Same as above.
the zombie dogs show up later, and i have no problem blasting them with extreme prejudice
I can however mutilate any human being, no matter if adult or child in any given way without thinking twice.
I know that this goes for many people.
Shooting the dog is just a bad move strategically. If you go help him out of the trap, he helps you out later in the game.
[/predictable answer]
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Because he laughs at you.
so you never whacked the chickens in zelda huh
i dont believe you.
I did it once. Never again. I did everything I needed on that one playthrough. I have no more titles to gain from it. Only heartbreak.
As for me, I can't kill anyone in an MGS game as long as I can prevent it. I always knock them out or put them to sleep. I have no problem killing soldiers/bosses in other games though. Just MGS.
Playing Dark Side in KoTOR just makes you a spoiled bitch, really. I was disappointed.
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
I was disappointed.
This is just a tribute.
And I don't mean it in a disrespectful way. It's a term for an ignorant motherfucker. Anybody of any alien race can be an ignorant motherfucker.
Considering the difficulty level of most Zeldas that even let you do that, it's probably the easiest and perhaps only way to put your life in serious danger.
That said, I make a point to beat the shit out of the chickens at least once in every Zelda.
also, little sisters
Yeah man i get that too...
Currently playing through MGS3 again (just beat The Fury last night) and I've probably only killed 1 or 2 minions that i havent needed to throughout the entire game so far.
They're just doing their job, they probably have families
Yes, and I do so everytime I restart the game. I've never shot the dog, and I probably never will. Someone probably posted a youtube clip about it, so if I'm curious what the death animation looks like, I'll go there.
They never die.
Hence why I also feel bad about slaughtering the chickens and sheep that you plant from seeds in Odin Sphere.
watch CLERKS. they know the risk when they take the job!
However on topic, I hate playing an absolutely evil role in games such as doing dirty work like killing innocent people in horrible ways. I have absolutely no problem playing graphic or violent video games, I just like there to be a good reason behind why I am doing these things.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Yeah. I can do it, I just don't really like killing innocent people, or good people. Killing anyone who's evil or too generic, sure, ok, but not a good guy.
The only exception being GTA. In these games, I do whatever the fuck I want without worrying about the consequences.
Seems like the only ignorant motherfucker is you.
There are two sides to this thing which some people have already come up against.
1. Things that are actually morally reprehensible.
2. Things that are caricatures of evil.
Shooting the dog is morally reprehensible. Playing the Dark Side in KOTOR is a caricature, it's fun evil, it's evil genius MUHAHAHA evil. I can't play Dark Side in KOTOR because I like people in games to tell me how great I am, not how I'm a big jerk.
Shadows of the Colossus is the only game that has truly elicited any form of guilt in my actions. Bioshock didn't get there for reasons I've illustrated in that thread. I can see why people have an issue with Gears of War alluding to one of the most horrific scenes in modern cinema, but again the game is pretty much a caricature as you chainsaw some dude in half and have Marcus say something like "You got blood on my clothes" or something.
I think it's important that we allow both kinds to exist, and with time, gamers will better separate the two. Right now, too many people think of games as something to be enjoyed rather than to illicit an emotional response that can be positive or negative.
But no, I can't shoot the dog either.
Now Jade Empire... there were certain portions of the Way of the Closed Fist that got kind of unsettling.
You shouldn't feel bad about being a dick in games, because most game designers don't really bother to make your choices have much believable moral gravitas to begin with.
/hasn't played Bioshock
But I guess I should top this one off though with something particularly... erm... silly...
I kind of resisted Katamari at first because you could fuse people to the ball. I mean... do you think they live on the star you make, or become a part of it?
And yeah in MGS I always tried to minimize my kills, particularly in 3. I also hesitated in the momment inferred above.
Brawl: 3265 4738 2973
Oh and I was reluctant to kill my dark brotherhood sanctuary members in oblivion.
I feel exactly like you.
Pokémon HGSS: 1205 1613 4041
This is partly why the lack of blood in these games are so insulting. When they try and emulate Saving Private Ryan, but bring none of the stark reality and just turn the game into a shooting gallery, you have to question their motivations.
By making the subject matter more palatable for people to play, they're trying to remove all the gravitas and consequences, which is absolutely not the right way to go about it. If these games were more tongue-in-cheek, like Kelly's Heroes or the Dirty Dozen, I would understand. But to for games like MoH and CoD to claim to take their subject matter seriously is a slap in the face for all the people who actually were there.
Do you mean...
Because the first I do all the time. The second... I hated to do it.
You would believe this if you listened to Ken Levine and took him on face value. You will feel differently when you play it (at least I did).