This election year is going to feel like a bad case of deja vu for the democrats. According to all the polls out there, Hillary Rodham Clinton is leading the pack and, thanks to a war chest that seemingly has no end, she'll likely stay the front-runner and be a cinch for the nomination. This is great news for Republicans.
Why, you may ask? Because Hillary is hated. So much so that some Republicans tend to froth at the mouth at the very mention of her. It is a bit of a mystery, though. Of those that hate her, very few can actually give a decent explanation as to their ire. It seems to be a very popular thing to dislike her in the south. Almost a fad...but fads die out don't they? The hatred this woman endures is perpetual. The kind reserved only for Nazis and John Tesh.
The Republicans are about to be in a lot better shape come Thursday. September 5th, Fred Thompson will officially announce his candidacy for the highest office in the land. Until now, he has been little more than a troller. Following behind candidates and making a few appearances here and there. He hasn't officially announced nor has he taken part in any debates. Yet, curiously, he is still running a close second to Rudy Giuliani in a recent poll ahead of Mitt Romney and John McCain.
At 6'5", The towering Thompson will literally dwarf all of the competition on both sides of the aisle and his charisma will make the American public believe he is the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Hold on to your Tennessee mash, Fred Thompson is going to be the next President.
**DUH** **DUH** (gavel sound at beginning of Law and Order).
I think that sound should be his primary soundbite / slogan. He needs the current Law & Order prosecutor to run as his VP. Unstopable ticket!
His prime strength seems to be that he seems to have the kind of stage persona that Republicans generally go nuts for. On the other hand, a belligerent, bombastic ogre might not be the kind of followup to Bush that America is looking for.
I really know nothing of his fundraising and organizational capabilities. I doubt he can really match war chests with Romney or Giuliani.
Now, Hillary is another question altogether. It's clear that she brings a lot of baggage. Her public persona is, at best, confident and competent, but at its worst, lacks genuinity and comes off as shrill and nagging. To top it off, a lot of voters just irrationally hate her from years of subconscious bad press during the Clinton presidency. On the other hand, she brings a lot of strengths, a lot of money, a lot of support, and a lot of smarts.
Between Hillary and Fred Thompson, I'd take Hillary, but it would be much closer than it would need to be.
that OP was just awful tripe... did you cut and paste it from Fred Thompson's website? The guy isn't going to be president... and judging by the stunt he pulled in announcing he was running, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even get the nod. THe guys a douche... hell, even on Law and Order he was a douche... and he just can't seem to hide his doucheness...
Besides... have you ever seen anyone look so stereotypically republican? He's like a Simpson's charaticture for gods sake...
There's some truth to this, though I've met a disheartening number of people who I'd guess would likely vote Democratic otherwise, but just don't trust Hillary. On the other hand, most of the women I know well (who trend towards political apathy and/ or ignorance) are really jazzed about Hillary even at this early stage. So maybe there's an offset there.
We could pull Virginia, and the Carolinas at the outside. Missouri is in range, and Arkansas could be as well.
Next year its going to Obama-Daschle or Clinton-Warner vs Romney-Huckabee or Huckabee-Romney
But at first glance, I thought this thread said "Why Fred Flinstone will be the next President".
You think he'll fizzle like Clark did? I mean, the Democrats only have a certain level of tolerance for that hoo-ha bravado that Clark brought, but the Republicans just cannot get enough of that bullshit.
It'll be fun watching Thompson and Giuliani try to out-9/11 each other.
"Some people say that we should close Guantanamo. I think that we should double Guantanamo."
But what hoo-ha bravado is to the Democrats, hollywood liberal flipfloppy shit is to the Republicans, right?
Thompson's got pro-choice, pro-gun control votes on his record.
Well Irond Will, I just don't think he is coming in with enough support or time to build anything of use. Kind of like Clark. He also has a link to the party's arch-nemesis like Clark had with the Democrats, except you replace military-industrial complex with hollywood-liberal conspiracy. I guess he really isn't liberal though.
McCain could be Romney's VP, or perhaps Huckabee's VP, but I think Giulani honestly doesn't stand a chance, and McCain's out of the running for the top job. Serves him right for comprimising his morales and refusing to be Kerry's VP.
I think its funny that the front runners for the Republican Party have to run against past versions of themselves.
Louisania will not have a state-wide Democratic politician for the next four decades, much less be a presidential pick-up. The people who anchored the Democrats in power there lived in New Orleans. They all now live in Houston. Furthermore regarding blame, its split on a 3:2 ratio, with 3 being people who blame the governor and mayor, and the 2 being people who blame the President, according to the iDS the national party conducted a year after Katrina.
So not only did they lose 100,000 votes, but they also are getting more of the blame. Whether the refugees will being pushing Texas blue though is an interesting side-product.
But lets split this topic or end it here, yes?
I'd be temped, since both sides blow fucking monkey chunks for canadites.
I do think that Thompson poses a threat, and I'd probably worry most about him as a threat to the Dem nominee as general candidate. That's partly because the GOP field is really fucking weak, though.
Then we could have Jack McCoy as the Attorney General.
Jack McCoy would never approve of electrodes on the genitals, no matter how much the guy deserved it.
I think the senile and grumpy vote is a different demographic tho
What's that saying? "Where are we going, and why are we in this hand basket?"