[EQ Classic] - FoH Group, Sat. Nov 17th @ 12 noon Est in PoK - level 30



  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Ok I will shoot you a tell then.

    juice for jesus on
  • KingMoleKingMole Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    My favourite EQ-related story

    KingMole on
  • The Sneak!The Sneak! Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    dammit I don't want to play EQ again but I'm so tempted.

    The Sneak! on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    So the meeting on the 6th went alright, considering NO healers showed up.

    The next session's level cap will be 16, but I haven't heard yet when or what zone it will be in.

    edit: Thursday 7pm Eastern, the Warrens again.

    juice for jesus on
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    did you even show up to the warrens juice? i thought you were in crushbone the whole time i was there (i was there for about 3 and a half hours)...had a good time...look forward to the next meeting

    BEAST! on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Yes, I was with the CB group. We had no healers, either. Not even a paladin ):T

    I started leveling a druid for situations like that. I probably won't be able to make the thursday meeting though. Maybe just the tail end of it.

    juice for jesus on
  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    oh jesus you guys I've been reading the pequest forums and it sounds so good oh god I can't go back oh god oh god

    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    KingMole wrote: »
    My favourite EQ-related story

    I was always fond of The Quon and Sk8er Gnome

    Xaquin on
  • pardzhpardzh Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    So I hit 22 on the Progression server just now and I'm a bit frustrated with the people playing.

    10 people server-wide between 20 and 25, and none of them will even respond to requests to make a group. D:

    pardzh on
    gt: Bobby2Socks | steam: Billy Boot-Snatcher

    You talk clean and bomb hospitals, so I speak with the foulest mouth possible
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Yeah, Combine is a low population server. If you're not interested in doing the weekly meeting thing with the Fugitives, then another server would probably be better for you.

    The Fugitives have been really good about grouping. There's usually someone on catching up or leveling an alt.

    juice for jesus on
  • pardzhpardzh Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I'd like to play with a regular group of you guys, but it seems a bit slow-paced for me. Honestly, half of the reason I got back into EQ was to see all the Kunark/Velious content I missed the first time around.

    Unfortunately it seems that 90% of that content is now utterly unused.

    pardzh on
    gt: Bobby2Socks | steam: Billy Boot-Snatcher

    You talk clean and bomb hospitals, so I speak with the foulest mouth possible
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    all my old links to Sk8er Gnome and The Quon are dead

    anyone have any links or old text files or anything by chance?

    Xaquin on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    pardzh wrote: »
    I'd like to play with a regular group of you guys, but it seems a bit slow-paced for me. Honestly, half of the reason I got back into EQ was to see all the Kunark/Velious content I missed the first time around.

    Unfortunately it seems that 90% of that content is now utterly unused.

    So far I've only run into Beast! in the game, and Tal once but he's busy with work for awhile.

    I'd love to get a solid PA group going, either within the Fugitives thing or separate from it. Seems like a lot of people are interested but reluctant to get back into it, which is understandable.

    juice for jesus on
  • TalTal Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Anyone here named Fenril - or something similar?

    I caught your tell just as I was typing /exit tonight. Sorry man. And if that's no one here, then nevermind! :P

    Tal on
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Xaquin wrote: »
    all my old links to Sk8er Gnome and The Quon are dead

    anyone have any links or old text files or anything by chance?

    I found most of The Quon and someplace on my old HD is Page 8 if anyone wants them for some old nostalgia

    Sk8er Gnome and The Quon on the classes part three are still missing though =(

    also, does anyone remember the moving burning woods?


    I found Sk8er Gnome


    Xaquin on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    WHERE IS BURNED WOODS? Possibly the greatest chat log in EQ history.

    My favorite story was from the beta. Some guy had a gnome named Zben and he kept a diary of his adventures. The part I remember most is his description of crossing OOT; something about the bard playing music to protect the passengers from the sirens. Of course, it doesn't work that way, but since I wasn't in beta I didn't know he was just writing in character. That's probably what made me pick a bard when I started. Sadly, Zben's Diary seems to have vanished from the internets. It was still around just a year or two ago.

    Another great/horrible story was about someone who let a woman from his guild crash at his place. She was fucking crazy, made up stories about a non-existant son to get sympathy and money out of people, and literally shit all over the place.

    You mentioned Page 8, so hilarious.

    There was a story from EQ2, so sort of related, about a paladin who was a cybersex fiend and got busted in a sort of sting operation.

    juice for jesus on
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    There was a story from EQ2, so sort of related, about a paladin who was a cybersex fiend and got busted in a sort of sting operation.

    that guy was a Paladin on my old server (zebuxoruk) named Dethen

    oh goodness some of the threads that came of him were awesome

    do you have a link to the burned woods?

    I'm trying to save all this stuff before it is lost to the ages.

    Xaquin on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Where is Burned Woods this week? Check the patch message for the zone connection map!
    So there I was.....minding my own business in The Overthere, when all of a sudden I see the message: "d00d sow plz".

    Of course, my natural instinct was not to answer, since I thought the clueless newb (hereafter referred to politely as "the petitioner") must have been poorly informed at best.

    Boy was I ever wrong.

    I switch out of 1st person into an external camera, and what did my wandering eyes behold? Only myself and the petitioner.

    So I says to myself...."Self? You need to edumacate this fella!"

    (Keep in mind what the overall setting looked like: There I was, in skeleton form, carrying a scythe, FLOATING IN MIDAIR IN A MEDITATING POSITION, with a LARGE dark-brown skeleton named "Gibober" standing behind me. Ummm....No, skippy, I'm not a druid or a shaman.)

    I say "Wish I could, bro, but I don't have SoW. I'm a Necromancer."

    The Petitioner says, "$#*&@#$ dick, sow me already! it's for a cr"

    Feeling as if my feathers had been ruffled a bit, I do a "/who all dumbass" (um..pardon..I meant "/who all petitioner")

    This is where I discovered the "/who all" bug. Certainly it must have been a bug, right? There's NO WAY IN CREATION the dumbas...err...petitioner could have been a level 31 Dark Elf Wizard, right???? RIGHT????? /em begins to cry like a little girl.

    Well, needless to say, I couldn't have been any more shocked than if my pet began dancing an Irish Jig. I quickly begin the arduous task of maintaining my composure, while deciding how best to deal with this tricky situation.

    I say, "Necromancer's can't cast SoW".

    Petitioner says, "Bull@#$%! you cast a spell while you were running and you sped up! i couldn't catch you until you sat down! if you're not going to sow me just say so you dont have to be a dick about it a$$hole"

    Yes I know....he didn't use any punctuation in that last sentence.

    I say, "I have JBoots."

    He says, "what are they"

    Before I have a chance to pick my chin up off the floor....

    Petitioner asks, "can you buff my hps my hp sux"

    I say, "I can't buff you, dude. I'm a necromancer. I only have one buff that you would probably want."

    He says, "yeah the one you won't give me dick"

    Ok. Time to have fun with the hopelessly clueless.

    I say, "Why do you need a sow?"

    He says, "i need to get to burned woods to hunt. sumbody said its perfect for my level"

    Yep. That's what he said......"burned woods".

    I say, "man are you ever in the wrong place."

    He says, "?"

    Apparently he found the "question mark" key conveniently located nearby other various and sundry communication facilitators.

    I didn't answer him.

    He repeats, "??"

    Found it twice...good for him.

    He repeats, "???"

    Having an IQ greater than plantlife, I sensed a pattern forming.

    I say, "You are NO WHERE near Burned Woods."

    He says, "my friend told me it was in kunark"

    I say, "Yeah, the operative word there is 'WAS'. There was a major patch a couple of months ago after a bunch of complaints were filed about 'static content'."

    He says, "?"

    I say, "!"

    He says, "?"

    I say, ","

    He says, "wtf"

    I say, "no, already have some."

    He says, "????"

    I don't respond.

    He says, "so where the @#$% is burned woods"

    He lost the question mark button again. Probably popped off when he was sniffing his feet.

    I say, "Well, THIS week it's south of Freeport. It changes with every patch, since they began randomizing zone locations."

    My guild is hysterical at this point. And I haven't even told them the ENTIRE story yet. Just snippets.

    He says, "@#$% i just got off the boat"

    I say, "You don't need the boat."

    He says "why"

    I say, "You're a wizard!"

    He says, "how you know that"

    I say, "I did a /wh...nevermind....the important thing is you have teleportation spells."

    He says, "oh yeah the green ones"

    I nod.

    I say, "Yep. The 'green ones'. Pretty nice how you have them grouped by color."

    He says, "thx"

    I say, "How'd you think about doing it that way?"

    He says, "they were all @#$%## up when i got this char"

    I say, "Sit down and mem the spell 'Fay Gate'."

    He says, "why"

    Question mark key is on the ground in front of your chair, guy. Mixed in with your collection of boogers.

    I say, "It's going to put you within spitting distance of Burned Woods."

    He says, "how do you know"

    I say, "All patch messages come with a zone connection map."

    He says, "oh"

    I say, "Ok. You have it memmed now?"

    He had just stood up after what I assumed was meditating/looking at his spell book.

    He says, "yeah"

    I say, "Ok. Cast the spell and let me know when you get there."

    Dumba...errr....Petitioner begins to cast a spell.

    A LONG time goes by.....ok, maybe 5 minutes
    I still haven't heard from him.

    Getting curious:

    I tell petitioner, "Are you there yet?"

    No reply. No reply at all. [Yes, I'm a Genesis fan... ]

    Obviously he's there, or my tell wouldn't have gone through.

    I tell petitioner, "Hit the 'r' key to reply to me."

    He replies, "i'm here now where do i go."

    Right idea....wrong punctuation mark. Oh well. "C" for effort.

    I tell petitioner, "Ok, do you see a hotkey on the screen that says 'Sense Heading'?"

    He replies, "no"

    I reply, "Hit the arrow buttons one by one until you see one."

    It was a guess, but an educated one.

    He replies, "found it"

    I reply, "Click on it."

    He replies, "north"

    I reply, "Ok, you need to head east along the path. Keep going until the path turns north. When it forks to the right, take the right fork."

    He replies, "ok"

    Who knows, maybe the guy who sold his account on Ebay worked his Felwithe faction up.

    He replies, "sumbody told me i shouldnt be here cause i'm a dark elf"

    I reply, "They were roleplaying."

    He replies, "oh hehe @#$%@#$ morons ;P"

    Priceless. Utterly priceless, I tell you.

    I reply, "Where are you?"

    He replies, "i see something now. looks like a castle"

    I reply, "Run into the castle as fast as you can. The guards might give you some trouble, just keep running."

    Yeah...damned conscience started kicking in.

    A fairly long period of time passes. Not sure how long, but longer than I was expecting.

    I tell petitioner, "What happened?"

    As if I didn't know....

    He replies, "my spells are gone!"

    I reply, "What happened?"

    He replies, "i died why"

    I reply, "Oh man! Did I tell you to run east or west?"

    He replies, "east wtf???"

    I reply, "Yikes. My bad. You should have run west."

    He replies, "?"

    I reply, "So where are you now?"

    He replies, "how can i tell"

    I reply, "Look right after you see 'Loading please wait'. It should tell you 'You have entered [zone]'."

    He replies "it doesnt say [zone] there."

    After smacking my head against my monitor....

    I reply, "What does it say in place of [zone]?".

    Get this....

    He replies, "Burning Woods"

    I nearly fell out of my chair! I couldn't have PLANNED it that way!

    He replies, "is that the same as burned woods"

    I reply, "No, but you're close. Start running south so you can get your corpse back."

    He replies, "i have to get my corpse back?????"

    /ignore petitioner

    Moral of the story: EBay...Just Say No!

    Out of sheer curiosity, I took him off ignore later to find out what happened.

    I tell petitioner, "How's it going?"

    He replies, "wtf? where you been"

    I reply, "been afk, sorry."

    He replies, "got my corpse back. some dude rezzed me."

    My conscience somewhat eased...

    I reply, "Really? Cool! Where are you now?"

    He replies, "iceclad ocean"

    I scratch my head a few times.

    I reply, "Why Velious?"

    He replies, "the guy that rezzed me told me burned woods was in western wastes this week"

    I don't recall exactly how long it took me to stop laughing. I stopped breathing shortly before my dog dialed 911.

    He replied, "@#$%&* wouldnt sow me either. what is that sh#$ gold?"

    That's what finally killed me. I'm writing this from the afterlife.

    Mujahid Mukhtaar
    Questmaster of the Enchanted Circle (Solusek Ro Server)

    juice for jesus on
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    awesome thank you

    Xaquin on
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    pardzh wrote: »
    So I hit 22 on the Progression server just now and I'm a bit frustrated with the people playing.

    10 people server-wide between 20 and 25, and none of them will even respond to requests to make a group. D:
    yeah, as was said, progression is pretty empty.....the rathe is where the rest of my characters are, and i'm willing to play there with you but i dont know if i'll have the time since you seem to want to play a LOT...hmmm...at any rate, i'll be on tonight when i get home from work...Tarem on the progression server until I'm somewhere near lvl 16 then i dunno who i'd be playing on the rathe...probably Mindaar i'm guessing

    BEAST! on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    What's kinda funny is that the progression server started out as TWO servers, and they were packed. That's why you see people running around with "of the Sleeper" as their title. Apparently interest dropped off pretty fast.

    juice for jesus on
  • DraevenDraeven Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    im going to assume that everyone relized that they were going to become the same server as all the rest after 3 months. wich is a shame.

    Draeven on
    Morskitter wrote "Spikes, choppas, tentacles, magic? Can't hold a candle to Sergeant Pimp here."

  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    The problem with the progression servers, from what I hear, is that they weren't really progression servers. From the opening they left in several newer zones, many newer items, dumbed-down leveling, etc.

    So they trivialized their own idea instantly. Plus they should have stuck to a hard release schedule, not one based on the very first hardcore raiders beating the top-level content. If they had kept a month or two minimum between each release, they could have stretched it out for over a year and probably kept a lot more people in longer.

    Very poorly executed all around.

    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • TalTal Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    How was Guk? Did anyone here go?

    Tal on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I was at the Guk meeting, until my internet crapped out. It was going great up to that point. Had 3 groups going. Somehow I wound up in a group with two enchanters, but we worked it out.

    juice for jesus on
  • TalTal Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I heard you guys got the Shin Lord down. That's fucking awesome. Too bad he didn't drop any phat pally loot.

    Einar is sitting at 16 right now. I think I may take him in to Kurn's for a bit tonight and try to get a couple levels.

    I tried going into Befallen yesterday with the twink gear to see if I could get a bronze drop or two, but that lasted as long as it took to find the first lesser mummy. I hate rabies.

    Tal on
  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    oh no you guys I think I'm going to install Everquest help help


    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • TalTal Registered User regular
    edited October 2007

    Be sure to insert disk 2 after disk 1 finishes. :P

    Tal on
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Monkeybomb wrote: »
    oh no you guys I think I'm going to install Everquest help help

    you probably should...although i've found less and less time to play it since getting TF2...as i'm sure you've noticed yourself

    i missed the saturday meeting because i'm an idiot and actually completely forgot about it :(

    BEAST! on
  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    No, you guys don't understand.

    I've been clean for nearly three years now.

    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Monkeybomb wrote: »
    No, you guys don't understand.

    I've been clean for nearly three years now.
    i was clean for nearly the same amount of time...come on dude, just take a hit....just one hit..you'll like it, i promise

    BEAST! on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Next meeting is Saturday the 20th, same time. Najena and the cap is 19.

    juice for jesus on
  • TalTal Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I still need to catch up to 19 at some point. I wasted some time at 16/17 looking for hunting grounds. Oasis caiman were super safe but boring as hell. Upper Guk was too many 3+ pulls - although I did ding 17 in the heart spider rooms. And Highpass Orcs kicked my ass because they chain rooted me.

    I'll probably try running over to Kurn's and grab a couple more levels. Although I kind of want to camp gnolls in Highpass for the PGT / CDS combo.

    Tal on
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I recall doing LoIO at that time after Oasis

    near the windmill you can pull pretty safely.

    Xaquin on
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    yeah is anyone gonna be on tonight? i'm still barely into 15!!! crap!

    BEAST! on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I could log on around 6ish pacific time.

    If you have access to the Depths of Darkhollow expansion, monster missions are a good source of EXP. I got about 50% of a level for one mission last night.

    juice for jesus on
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    wow...well i dont have the expansion but i was thinking i may buy all them, it's 30 bucks for all the expansions but only 10 bucks more for the new expansion AND all the others...so i may do that...hmmmm

    BEAST! on
  • TalTal Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Working until 8pm, training from ~9 to 10 so uh, 10:30 / 11 pst I'd be free? I'll probably end up going straight to bed for work tomorrow though.

    I may have Sunday off though, some catching up then would be cool - whenever we can work around football.

    Tal on
  • juice for jesusjuice for jesus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    That's cool, I don't watch much football. Sunday would be fine.

    juice for jesus on
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    if you'll be around tonight like you said, i'm going to try to download the expansion tonight the second i get home, i hope it's all done downloading by the time you come around at 6pst....haha..we'll see if it works

    BEAST! on
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