Apologies if a thread similar to this has been done before, or is in circulation somewhere else.
As I've mentioned before, I'm new to the 360 scene, and I desire to make lots of friends to have regular multiplayer sessions with. Sure, I've found a few players nice enough and skilled enough to add to my friend list via some blind playthroughs, but I've also met a bunch of immature, underage dickheads who either leave the game without any notice, or can't play for shit when faced against a much more dedicated team. I want to excel in Gears of War, but it's hard to do that when my team runs around seperately, and the other guys is a dedicated clan who verbally laugh at my face while taking my guys out 12 times in a row.
So I was thinking about making this thread, where we can all meet and hook up over the various Xbox Live games available. In my case, I'm looking for a good group/clan to team up with in Gears of War, other people to play Co-Op with for both Gears and TMNT arcade, and some future players for Halo 3.
So if you're interested, or would like to make your own requests for some multiplayer buddies, just reply to this thread. You can find my Gamertag at my sig.
I'm pretty good at Gears, and if I can tear myself away from skate I'll play with you (Excited to get those new maps for free too...). I'd play TMNT but the last achievements seem to forever alude me.
Also, I only have a few arcade games. The ones with no achievements were demo's. Don't ask me about them.
PSN: JPBrowncoat Xbox: BamSaidTheLaday Also on Steam! Streaming games!
Anyone feel free to add me.
I was planning on getting a game this Friday...
I'm getting a tear of reminiscence in my eye.
It's not like anyone else in my group was doing any better. Is this to be expected since I've only had the game for two weeks, or should I just stay away from Ranked Mode altogether? And I really, really wish I could figure out how the opposing team always gets the good weapons before we're even on the field.
People in Gears tend to take the game too seriously. They've memorized weapon locations and the quickest routes to there, and the guns to use has always been the shotgun (But with the last update Lancer is much better). IMHO though, the pistol is a good standby. Two melee whacks take a guy down and one more kills 'em, good for those shotgun-kamikazes since the melee stalls their rapid shotgun spamming.
(And yes, I too used to take the game too seriously....but once I cleared 1000 Gamerscore in that game I started to lay off it a bit.)
But COD4? yeah, I'm playing the beta every day. Add me if you want I send out invites whenever I play.
I don't play much else online... I'm up for R6 Vegas or Gears co-op, and once it hits, I'll be all over Ace Combat 6.
GT: The Twag MSB
That seems to be one of the major problems for me, I have no idea where all the weapon placements are. It's hard to match up when they have all the explosive weapons already handy. But the real issue I need to work on is close quarters fighting. When we're both charging at each other with shotguns, I tend to lose because the other guy knows how to roll and shoot, or he'll have a buddy snipe me from the distance. Pistol whipping is a good idea to try, though.
I take the game seriously too, evidenced by my rage to losing every match and whining about it here. I just obsess about maintaining a good online rep; I don't want it to get around that I suck hard at the game. But the people who play ranked tend to be a different league from those who enjoy the casual multiplayer mode. I just play ranked for the achievements.
Thanks to everyone who offered their names, I'll be sure to add you to my list.
Also, check out 360arcadians.
I'm on Gears, GRAW 1 (rarely, and only the free maps, so yeah), Track and Field, TMNT arcade, Double Dragon, Catan, UNO, Poker, and any other good live multi worth buying. I'll be on Halo 3 when it comes out, and I'm considering getting into phantasy star universe.
A quick gears rundown (latest updates and all) for the OP since he's new, advice from a decent player that you can take or leave...
1) The lancer assault rifle was upgraded, and with active it's pretty powerful if you know how to aim properly, but don't chainsaw, it's annoying (but fun, admittedly, and it always leaves you wide open. This also goes for the curb stomp, just swing your weapon instead)
2) The torque bow was updated to make it less easy to kill people, and now you can't swing it until your bolt detonates (provided you've fired one, of course)
3) Without a LOT of practice, leave the sniper alone, unless you're host or playing someone really stupid you won't get headshots. Actives are another story, they make this gun devastating in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.
4) Use cover as an offense, not a defense... I know the trailers and description make you think of peeking out and shooting like it would be in real life, but they best method for the cover is metal gear style. Use it to hide while you reload, or use it as cover to sneak around an enemy and shotgun them at close range.
5) You can't double swing the shotgun since the new update. Meaning you cannot repeatedly melee with it to down someone. You need to shoot, then swing, or vice versa.. It's a good tactic.
6) With a little work (or an active) the pistol is your friend. People will rush you when they see it, and four good shots (2 to 3 with active) and then a melee will down someone almost every time.
7) It's harder now to use the rocket to down someone, you need to either hit them, or make it hit right at their feet, or on a wall they are beside. Also, the rocket has a secondary explosion, so don't think hiding behind a wall makes you safe, you can still get downed.
8) Grenades can make or break the game, smokes included. Smoke tagging a player both damages them slightly and blinds them. To me, it's the equivalent of a flash bang in counterstrike, but it lasts a little longer. It also lets anyone away from your location see a large cloud of moving smoke so they know where the enemy is. Frags are great for throwing. Try to toss one, then when the enemy is stunned down them with a lancer or take them out with a shotgun or torque blast. Tagging is awesome if you're quick, but a lot of times you will die too. Try to tag someone close to a wall, back up to where the wall starts, and roll left or right to be on the adjacent side of the wall. It will help save you.
9) Weapons to avoid: (IMO)
The pulse rifle, magnum pistol, and hammer of dawn are all pretty useless. The pulse rifle used to be good, but when they updated the lancer it replaced the pulse. The magnum is powerful, but it reloads to slow to use the "Pistol shots + melee = win" technique. The hammer is just a damn burden, and any good player can avoid it by hiding against a wall, even right beside you.
Feel free to ask me about any particular maps and I'll tell you the best choke points and weapon locations. (Most of the time the weapons are swapped, but they are usually swapped for specific things ,I.E. on gridlock, at the two towers on each side, there is either going to be a sniper or torque on 99% of weapon swaps... )
This is pretty much my philosophy when it comes to Gears multiplayer.
Of course, it's always fun to join a ranked host and laugh at their impotent rage when things don't go their way.
Anyway, I'd be up for any game, assuming I own it (I play Gears, R6, and CoD4 beta right now).
Damn it this guide is really too good to get bottomed. Blade knocked it out of the park and if anyone is serious about getting better at Gears it is well worth a read.
That is really good.
I never knew some of that stuff about Mansion.
But I would like to get to know the PA 360 community as well.
Feel free to add me, my tag is the same as my name here, Vathris.
Take Care,
thanks for making this thread man
MineCraft: Menetherin
Steam: Vloeza_SE++
Add me, for you know that I rock.
I have Gears too and passingly decent - I usually only played with friends, rather then ranked. I'm competitive, but not enough to devote myself fully to the game.
Gamer Tag:Barracoon
I also got a few arcade games, so down for that too.
Yeah, can we get some eight-player Bomberman going?
PSN: JPBrowncoat Xbox: BamSaidTheLaday Also on Steam! Streaming games!
You, sir, are a genius.
Yeah I'll be on in a bit.
PSN: JPBrowncoat Xbox: BamSaidTheLaday Also on Steam! Streaming games!