So, I decided I'd pick up the oblivion expansions, and since I got a 360, I figured I'd get the 360 version. Big mistake.
The graphics are painfully bad. Everything is extremely low res, and the draw distance is too far, putting strain on the system, while letting you stare at n64 quality textures in the background and painfully obvious low res 2d trees. I swear that all the supposed screenshots of this game are from the PC version. The lighting is way too good to be from what I've seen so far on the 360.
Despite the low res graphics, it still has slowdown.
The use of bloom is obscene. I have the game set to HDR on my PC, so I was unprepared for the assault on my poor eyes. My eyes ache after playing for a mere 15 minutes, as the screen is so bright, yet all the objects are dark, forcing you to strain to see details. Bloom is bad even when used properly, and its downright painful here. The realm of Oblivion is like a huge bright red splotch all over your TV.
The game looks better and plays about the same on my PC, which shouldn't be so, considering that other 360 games, namely, Bioshock are beautiful on the 360, and run like shit on my PC.
I check video options, and all I can do is change the brightness. If only there was some way to disable the damn bloom. All this actually has me really worried about Fallout 3, which is going to use the oblivion engine.
I honestly don't think any of this is the fault of the 360 itself, which performs amazingly on the other games I have. I think that the 360 version of Oblivion is just plain crap compared to the PC
port. Unbelievable.
Um, you know it was primarily developed for the PC, like Morrowind was, right? UI aside, anyway.
My fault if I didn't really state it clearly, but I do own the game for PC and thought it was pretty good, hence why I got it again for the 360 for the expansions.
Now I've upgraded to a HD TV....It's beautiful.
This makes absolutely no sense. Like, none at all, I'm not just being facetious.
Let's look at the release date for these two titles, shall we?
Oblivion: March 21, 2006
Bioshock: August 21, 2007
I was expcting a "I can't Roleplay right" thing.
But yeah, I thought it looked fine. You are right about the draw distance, but that's the only problem, form what I saw. Do you have a HDTV?
Also just apples and oranges man. There is never a part in Bioshock where you are looking literally miles into the distance. On top of that Oblivion was fine on the 360 and only performed better at the time of release on the very top end of computers. I also don't remember a time when I noticed any slowdown in the game. The op also mentioned it being low res? Are you playing on a SDTV? I mean you can't run it at 640x480 and compare it to your pc running at 1280x1024.
What did you just say? I can't... process it. It just doesn't make sense.
I enjoy Oblivion profusely on the PC btw. Vanilla... meh, fun but not a really deep RPG. Add in some mods, though? Awesome. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be stuck with a version you cannot mod, forever and ever. Wait, I can imagine. It would suck.
Standard TV, Component cables. PC is circa 2004, so it predated oblivion.
The low res foreground may be just a side effect of Bloom being inferior to HDR lighting, making it just seem flatter though, you could be right.
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I have the game on PC.
Expansions cost extra, so I bought the 3 in 1 Game of the year edition for 360, instead of the PC version, assuming that it would run better on the 360. And while the framerate is about 10 fps higher, I really can't stand the graphics, hence my main complaint.
Fair enough, I haven't really been hardcore into console games since before the light bloom fad. Most of my ps2 games are from 2002 or so.
Bloom abuse isn't as common on PC. My virgin eyes can't take it.
Yeah no comparison. If you play it on a nice widescreen hdtv you will be a lot closer to how it looks on pc. Also your sig fucking rocks. Darksun pc game yeah?
Anyway, while my TV is not HD, I do have access to one, so I can always give it a shot.
and if your TV is just standard (as opposed to enhanced, with a 480p resolution max) why the hell do you think componant cables are going to make that much of a difference?
If you REALLY want to compare the graphics (which is a stupid thing to base your opinion of a game on anyway, IMO, but go ahead.) you need to have them both atthe same resolution.
I think this is the first OP in the history of the tubes stating draw distance was too far.
I am down with Darksun though. :^:
Ng Security Industries, Inc.
I'd have to dig up my manual to know for sure, but the component cables make a big improvement in Gears of War. The details are so much clearer. Its a huge upgrade.
Hitting the "HD" switch, though, fucks up the picture, so I'm assuming the TV isn't HD.
Component should be a good bit crisper than plain AV cables, even on a normal TV.
AV < S-Video < Component (although the last two are pretty close)
but take the results with a pinch of salt, because there are a billion reasons why this is an awful comparison.
Yeah, it isn't HD if you can't switch it to HD on the cables.
I'll admit that component marks a fairly big perceived improvement over A/V (when you make the jump on SD) but Oblivion looks absolutely beautiful in HD on the 360. My only regreat about having it on 360 is that it's unmoddable, but ignorance is bliss, I guess.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
You have no logic in your world.
But 90% of the time, it's just goddamn gorgeous and plays well. For some reason my 360 has been getting slower and slower loading certain areas of Oblivion, no idea why (tried clearing cache), which is making it tougher to play the game. Leyawiin, Cheydinhal, and Bravil take 3-4 minutes to load, the Imp. City and Bruma take almost as long.
If I could fix my ever-growing load times I'd have very little to complain about. The pop-in is only really jarring when distant textures go from a blurry green mess to ultra-high detail all of a sudden, the LOD bias seems to have no middle ground. And the UI is designed to be console-friendly.
I'll still play it on my 360, because leaning back in my recliner with a wireless controller, watching the game on a 36" HD widescreen, is just incomparable. My PC could run it as well as my 360, but KB/mouse is just wrong for RPGs, and my PC monitor is smaller than my TV. I'd love to have mods to get more content available, but I'm happy with what there is.
Abloo bloo bloo they go, as they prance through the field of software.
Lewie -
This thread seems like those reviews that give great games unusually low scores in order to create controversy/garner hits.
Thread fails. :v:
I put about 100 hours into the PC version, and about 70 into the 360 version. Looked great on both. My circa 2005 PC suffered from some slowdown in certain locations and I had the grass turned off, but was generally happy with it. Got a lower res on the 360 (running on an HDTV) but all the bells and whistles ran, and the framerate was fine.
All in all, I rate them pretty evenly, as far as my visual experience goes. Your mileage depends on your PC and TV.