Console games lag. I don't get it. It's that simple. Console alternatives to PC games on the same connection will lag considerably more, and I don't even know why.
This was brought to my attention by the game Two Worlds I just rented. I was excited, because it was basically going to be Oblivion but with multiplayer.
Except that instead of the co-operative world exploring and monster hunting I was expecting, I got a few dull arena modes and the most
miserably laggy game experience ever!
Why does this have to be so? What half-assed method of data transfer do consoles utilize that reduces framerate and latency to pre-historic levels. Or is it because consoles can't act as servers? Why not provide dedicated official servers which will host games?
Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it. Besides wondering what the problem is, and what the solutions for it are, I'm also curious about what games got it right, and why.
What console games handled data the
right way? I don't remember Halo lagging that much, if ever. Which isn't to say it didn't lag, but the quality of the games was obviously good enough that I don't even consider it a significant part of the experience.
Call of Duty 2, however, lagged like hell on the 360 when it first released. Then it too cleared up, and I don't know why.
Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
It's a problem with the game itself. It was probably just badly coded. It has network issues on the PC, too.
I'm not really assuming, I'm asking if this is the case. I'm only going off of my own limited experience. I know it's limited, however, so I wanted to ask to be sure.
If there are problems with the PC version too than it may very well be the game. But in my experience console games deal with network latency and related issues poorly. Games seem to lag regardless of the connection, but I can't find a good explanation for this.
I imagine, however, it would be connected to the reason we can't have 32 vs. 32 matches or more in a console game. Or 64 vs. 64 for that matter.
2) game has shitty netcode in the first place