Damages is an American legal drama television program. The story revolves around a ruthless lawyer (Glenn Close) attempting to win a class-action lawsuit against the former CEO of a corporation (Ted Danson) on behalf of his former workers, by any means necessary (see plot). The show debuted on FX in the U.S. on July 24, 2007...
The premiere episode begins with Ellen Parsons running through the streets, visibly stained with blood on her hands and face, and in a state of shock. The police arrive and take her in for questioning, but she refuses to give any information; she simply demands to see a lawyer. Using a bloodied business card found on her with the words "I was warned" and her signature on the back of it, they contact someone who tried to employ her once, and clues start to unfold.
With that the show shifts to its main focus, a timeline six months in the past. It first introduces Patty Hewes, a ruthless lawyer, then details how Ellen came to be one of Patty's associates. Hewes is in the midst of a huge class-action lawsuit against Arthur Frobisher, and is willing to do anything — and use anyone necessary — to win it.
The story shifts back and forth between two timelines, providing connecting details (for example, six months ago, a pair of miniature Statue of Liberty bookends is given as a gift, while in the present it is seen as evidence, i.e., a murder weapon).
love this show. It balances conspiracy, legal drama, relationship drama, issues regarding females with careers and a fantastic cast. One of the best things, for me, is how the show (set over six months) deals with this one case in a manner that seems semi-plausible as opposed to many other legal drama/thrillers which deal with a single court case in the space of a week of in-show time.
Anyone else watching this? Have thoughts as to where it's going?
I can't honestly speculate as to what the fuck is going on - I can make guesses, but as to the over-arching storyline, Patty's just evil.
I forgot all about Lucky. I liked that show.
That's what I love about the characters, there is depth and multiple motivations behind each one, rather than two dimensional cutouts with singularity of purpose.
The "restaurant owner/sec guy" reveal was awesome.
"She spat at me!"
I love how Ted Danson's character seems likeable. He's not the stereotypical jackass CEO, he obviously cares about his family and is human. Yes, he's selfish and has a twisted view of the world, but he's not the polarising inhuman character that they could have put in his place.
It's definitely worth getting into. Maybe see if you can find someone who recorded it.
alright then, thanks.
Even you.
I mean, I still wish they'd done a second season of Thief instead, but this is great regardless.
The television renaisance we are living through is passing me by.
I have this very sad mental image of Shinto as an intellectual trapped in the world of rednecks, NASCAR, cheap beer and trailerparks without the benefit of good television.
I know it sounds silly, but it's actually quite sad to me. =/
Who you callin an interlectual?
Dale Earnhardt Jr. forever!
Also, since they're pay cable, they tend to 'get away' with more, censor-wise. I think they made it a point to say 'shit' and 'cock' three times each each episode in the last season of Rescue Me just because they could, and the sex scenes are sometimes graphic to the point of 'wow did I skip to the naked channel'.
Also, is it just me or was that coat thing that she showed her boyfriend halfway through the first episode, the one that she was wearing at the start?
Wha? What masked man?
I doubt it means too much, and I'm only an episode in, but I like it when shows like these have little things like that, to keep it all consistent.
Same and it is pretty good.
I believe in a previous episode someone said it was something
I'm thinking it's more to do with Patty's kid than Lyla. I think Lyla exists just to make us feel uneasy about David, at first, then to drive Ellen a little away from him.
What i want to know, is what did they do to regret? How did they go too far? Can't be more than four episodes left, right?
Er, sorry, wasn't paying attention to your post. I meant, 'damn, well, that just happened' in the lack of adjective sense. I've just rediscovered Canadian beer.
If nothing else, I think that episode confirms that Patti really isn't in control of shit. I retract my evil hypothesis (yet may extended it again next week, episode depending).
It's really refreshing.
I seem to remember in an earlier episode her fiance saying something akin to
or perhaps my memory is shite
Oh Mr. Science Guy. . .:/
Series has been excellent, even more so since they are committed to it being a mini-series and not somehow trying to stretch it out beyond what it needs to be (I mean really, how many people could mentally survive going through the trauma these people have been through).
What confuses me is that ART is very obviously
Ep 12. Whew. Poor David. Poor Lyla. Poor Ellen. Series Finale should be great.
My prediction: