I have a web layout due for class and this is the one I've been working on
My teacher is asking me to create a survey about the look of the site and I need 20 people to complete that survey. I figured Penny-Arcade was a good place to start. So at the bottom is a link to that survey and it's a Microsoft Word document. If you could fill it out and send it back to me at
clarkgable@gmail.com I would be much obliged. Thanks guys.
If you wished to just fill out the information here then fill out the information and answer the questions below. Thank you very much!
Question 1
Is the site visually pleasing? If not, what bothers you?
Question 2
The site currently uses a solid color background. Do you prefer that or a tiled background image?
Question 3
Does the site express a sense of professionalism and creativity in the artist’s work? If not, explain why.
Question 4
If you could change something about the layout (i.e. add, remove, or change a text, graphic, etc.), what would it be?
This may help if you have difficulty getting people to fill it out the way you've requested.