OK, So a friend of mine is trying to get a job at my local school, so he needs to go through the motions, fingerprints, paperwork- and most likely a drug test. He's a HEAVY smoker of da cannabis and that shit will stay in your system for a month of 2 apparently. Now does anyone know the procedure for nipping this thing in the bud (ha!)?
I've read that you're supposed to drink a lot of water (8 glasses?) before testing so you dilute your sample, and should try and make it like your third piss of the day as well as not pissing the start or end of your stream into the sample.
Which products make effective diuretics or masks or whatever the fuck they're called and how do they work?
I've never had to worry about passing one because I've never done drugs of any sort, so I haven't needed to worry.
If he can, stop smoking, and delay the drug test as long as possible.
EDIT: I'm pretty sure that if cannabis is illegal where you are, posting this is against forum rules.
*Blink* Really? Well I guess that's a rap! heheh :P