About a month ago I scored me one of those crimson and black DS's. Love it. Since then my wife and I have fought over it nearly every evening. The only solution is to get another...you know....to save the marriage.:P
Then I started thinking about it and wondered if it might be better to diversify and get me a psp. 2 different platforms- there will always be something to play. Or should I go with another DS and take advantage of the Wi-Fi and possibly play some games together, but be limited to 1 platform?
Anyone else have to make such a decision with your sig. other?
Many games only require one copy of the game to run on 8 DS. Playing Mario Kart and Worms 2 WiFi is a great experience.
That can get boring quickly, it'll give you something to do together, but why not open up a whole new platform.
I'd think that having two DS would almost be a novelty.
The PSP certainly has begun filling out its library to.
Not sure what you mean. It is a legit question.......
and stop signing your posts. that's what a sig is for.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Which games are you and your wife fighting over? If you have similar tastes in games and they lend themselves to multiplayer, it'd be a shame not to pick up a second DS. Like said above, a number of games have single-cart multi in some capacity, so it'd actually save you some money. On the other hand, the whole meme about no games on the PSP has long since been left at the door. I'd say to look around at some listings of PSP games and see if any of them tickle your fancy. If not, or if a lot are PS2 ports and you don't care for portability much, your question answers itself. In terms of graphical fidelity the PSP is outstanding, and it handles 3-D a lot better than most DS games, so if you like racers and sports games it's a shoo-in. There's also a ton of great strategy RPGs on the system out now/soon.
List Warzz ahead, but some of the generally accepted good games out now/soon:
• Lumines I/II
• Wipeout Pure (the sequel, Pulse, is slated to come out early '08 IIRC)
• Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
• Killzone: Liberation
• Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and/or SF: Logan's Shadow
• Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
• Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness (really expanded port of the original)
• Jeanne D'Arc
• Brave Story
• Daxter and/or Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
• Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles (Rondo of Blood + Symphony of the Night!)
• God of War: Chains of Olympus (coming out in '08)
Pop quiz, hot shot: What games do you and your lady play? Give us a list of your preferred games/genres and we can probably postulate which of the two handhelds has a better library for you.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Or find a friend or neighbor or coworker who has a PSP and make them let you borrow it for a few days.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Edit: and yea man, fuck that, the PSP has a great library now.
Edit: Off the top of my head wasn't MGS: Portable Ops great to?
Well, they did join today, so it's not entirely unfounded. Also, they didn't lurk enough to know that signing posts is kinda .. not done.
Also, no sig and av.
Anyway, get the DS.
There, there's your market research.
SE++ Map Steam
Nitpick as nice as I can make it:
We can see your name. We know your name. You don't need to put your name at the end of every post.
If you really want to talk about yourself then make it a sig or something. That could almost be classy, having your name as your sig. You might even say it's some sort of ironic reference to the word "Signature" and its use in forums. Hot damn my sig should totally just say "Khav"
Annnnnnnnnyways..... Are there any games for the PSP you want? Are there any games on the DS you want to play multi? Do you and your wife fight over games for the DS, like you both want to play Phantom hourglass? Or does she play nintendogs and you'll be playing Contra IV?
PSP has a games library that's pretty good, but the DS beats it for now(The PSPs been getting much better recently. Then again, so has the DS, so it's still a toss up now that KZ:L, RS, MGS, etc etc. are out).
DS you'll have multiplayer, which could be fun and could be nice if you go away on a trip and want to connect with your wife more than just calling or emailing, you could kill each others worms or something.
Really, we'd need more info though... if you want to play PSP games, get a PSP, if you want DS multiplayer, get a DS. Or get one of each.
I think considering the PSP is a great idea though. The catalogue is getting pretty damn amazing for it.
i enjoy my PSP but playing multi player on DS is a great thing
A few of my friends as well as my brother and sister have DSes and when we all get together there is potential for some insane multiplayer. I think PSP is starting to build a great library but I still have to go with another DS. It would work out a hell of a lot cheaper too cause you could share games and play single cart multi for many of them.
Dude, get your own!
Jokes aside, I'd say go with the PSP unless you can see yourself playing multiplayer frequently. That way you guys could even trade off. One night you play the DS, the next night you play PSP and so forth! The games coming out on the PSP are honestly looking better and better, so why not.
Guess which one we play more.
We have fairly different taste in games (she can play puzzle games for hours, but I find myself unable to do so in recent years) but there are certain games where we meet in the middle (Puzzle Quest, is a great example) where we can battle it out in multiplayer for hours. We also have a Wii with a decent library of multiplayer games for both of us, but our playtime on it pales in comparison to time spent on our DS.
Someone else can comment better on the PSP's library, though.
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
Yes, I did just sign up today. No I am not a troll, my question is real. I have lurked for many a month, true.
We both like puzzle games, and I like sports, platformeres and want to get into some RPG's. The more I think of it, if we I was to play multi-player with the wifey it would have to be a game where we are working together as a team, not playing against each other. She isn't super competitive and she wouldn't put up much of a fight regardless of game style. Do those style games exist or is multi-player mostly head-to-head gameplay?
I really don't think I can go wrong either way, but reading the resposes is entertaining and informative.
Any of the Ouendan games is reason enough to own multiple DSes as it is. Although really you'll need three DSes, one to play each of them (Ouendan, Ouendan 2 and Elite Beat Agents).
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
I haven't really been keeping up with lists of games lately, but I think Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for the DS should be out by next year. If I've my facts correct, it'll be a nice co-op multiplayer game with 8 hours total of gameplay, but you play it over and over with extra features or differences each playthrough. Also, Children of Mana is a co-op dungeon crawler if that's your thing.
Hmm, now that I think about it, I can't think of many co-op DS games :?
Like Crystal Chronicles. There's not way that's going to have single cart multiplayer, if it does it'll be a mini game.
I'd say go for the DS.
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten