So after some soul searching I'm thinking I'm going down the wrong path with school. Currently I attend a pretty reputable (as far as they go) community college in Pasadena, CA. I'm studying Business Administration with a focus in Computer Information Systems with plans on transferring to Cal Poly Pomona in two years. I decided on that because I've always loved computers, but I've never been very strong in math so I didn't shoot for straight up Computer Science. CIS is more of the IT guys; server administrators, database engineers, etc. It's all well and good but I don't think it's what I want to do for a profession. In all honesty I'm a gamer who knows more than his fair share about hardware and software...all learned by necessity of being a PC gamer.
Besides computers, and before them, was food. I've been cooking since I was a little kid and it was my original career aspiration. In 5th grade we had to submit our future dream career. Right there in between Manager of a Blockbuster (no kidding) and Hair Stylist was me with Professional Chef. I attended a one week summer "preview" of sorts between my junior and senior year of high school at Kendall College in Chicago. I had a lot of fun but for some reason I decided to apply to a bunch of more traditional colleges in the fall that I didn't get into. Thus placing me here at a community college.
Why didn't I originally go in that direction? A lot of factors...the high school I went to was very college oriented and even though Kendall is a real school that offers 4 year degrees it didn't fit into the group think I was mistakingly going with at the time. My parents (actually just my dad, my mom supports anything I want to do) while not outright telling me not to pursue a career in culinary, pushed me towards more business oriented career paths. My father also constantly reminded me of how he had gone into education, not exactly renowned for its high salaries, and not making a lot of money sucked. Now that I've been out of high school for a few years I've gained a lot of perspective. It took me a while to realize that while CIS is something I like, it's not my passion and even if I'm not going to make as much money as a chef that's okay, with some sensible financial management I'll make enough to live comfortably, and I'll be doing something I love.
If I'm going to do this though I want to maximize all my career opportunities by getting a four year degree, not just some kind of certification in a few months. Kendall, Culinary Institute of America, and Johnson and Whales all offer bachelor's in culinary arts. Those are the three schools I'm currently looking at but would love some suggestions, especially those from first hand experience. I'm leaning towards CIA even though I haven't visited because it's so close to NYC and that's an awesome place to be. Its important to me that the school offers a "traditional" college experience, in that they are residential campuses with dorms and the like.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks for reading if you did, I know it was long :P