Nogs wrote: » hey, i live in missouri during winter break.
The Far Side wrote: » are you going to harass the phelps
(=3 wrote: » Nogs wrote: » hey, i live in missouri during winter break. Where in Missouri?
Zephyr wrote: » hey i live in the midwest but not in or next to those states so fuck you
Koshian wrote: » I live right in between lee's summit and independence but I go to the blue springs school district weird how that works out
Koshian wrote: » (=3 wrote: » Koshian wrote: » I live right in between lee's summit and independence but I go to the blue springs school district weird how that works out You should come hang out. We can go to the zoo. I don't know, man I would probably just stand there awkwardly and not talk very much unless there are a large amount of people that are strangers to each other also, pot, dooo ittt
(=3 wrote: » Koshian wrote: » I live right in between lee's summit and independence but I go to the blue springs school district weird how that works out You should come hang out. We can go to the zoo.
AHH! wrote: » When you're 40 doctors put jollies in your pooper
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Where in Missouri?
They actually show up at my high school at least twice a year.
And they show up at graduation every year.
little town about 30 miles west of stl. though I'll probably spend a majority of my winter break in columbia.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
or Blue Spring?
they just drive john deere tractors instead of cars.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
but not in or next to those states so fuck you
No u.
I also live here
You should come hang out.
We can go to the zoo.
Play Fanduel. One Day Fantasy Leagues use my referral
Be my friend on Magic Online! Dogbone19 is me.
and 575 miles each way
that's like $200 in gas
i can't really afford to go to so many things, dogg
Well, it's three people right now. So you can join us and make it more awkward.
I'm in Lenexa.
And that only happened once.
i go back twice a year. thanksgiving and christmas. once my parents die, i will no longer go.
why? because it's a fucking awful place to be.
i can't believe anyone in their right mind would live in Joplin, Missouri on their own accord.
in fact, I can't understand why anyone would live in Missouri at all. what the fuck is wrong with you people?
you should move.