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Precipice Of Darkness -- A Song

Jay V MarshallJay V Marshall Registered User regular
edited October 2007 in Penny Arcade Games
Hello Penny Arcade People!

My name is Jay V, and I've been a long time reader and fan of Penny Arcade for several years now. I'm also a musician as a singer / songwriter / guitarist (only part time of course, I have to work like most everyone else).

Anyways, I had some time this past weekend between recording sessions with my band mates and I spent a few hours recording a song that I had came up with recently based on the upcoming Penny Arcade Aventures game On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness. I'm fairly happy with how the song came out since each part was basically recorded in only one or two takes a piece, and I figured that some other Penny Arcade fans might like to listen to it a couple times.

So, for anyone who would like to take a listen to it, I invite you to check out the song inspired by Penny Arcade's upcoming game, the song is entitled "Precipice Of Darkness". You can find it at my ReverbNation profile here:


Jay V. Marshall

Jay V Marshall on


  • FletcherFletcher Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I'm the head of Columbia Records and I'm interested in having a chat with you regarding your music.

    Flick me a PM and we'll talk.

    The above is a lie.

    Fletcher on
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