I had
http://www.giantmicrobes.com/ linked to me in an email. I suggest you go there right now.
The site advertises 7-inch high plush toys of the microbes that are responsible for some of the world's biggest pandemics, diseases, and illnesses. If you're suddenly interested, well you can get a plush toy of the microorganism responsible for your favourite sicknesses, such as:
Athlete's Foot
Heart Worm
The Black Death (The Plague)
and my favourite... Gonorrhea
Yes, that's right, a plush toy of an STD that causes random vaginal discharge, inflamed genitals, and of course a difficulty in peeing.
THAT'S GOLD!!! Hahahaha!
So if you're stuck on gift ideas for your nephew's upcoming birthday, why not get them a plush toy of Pneumonia? I know I wouldn't have been scared of sleeping in the dark if I had a plushie of Black Death.
I'd honestly sacrifice my third testicle to see the guys do a comic on this.
Why the NO
They're pretty cute - but comic-worthy?
God people are stupid...
this is true
Man you sure showed us.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
wtf is wrong with you?
If a neutral post on a website decisefully depicts your humanitarian values and feelings of potentially riding a bus with the poster... then fuck. That's probably the lamest thing I have read on a forum all year.
Yeah it's fun to pretend you're hardcore and possibly even humorous on a forum, but the average forum-user saves these cards for moments where they actually make sense. Learn how to use them. 'Respect' on a website might be a big thing for you, but learn how to use them. It'd be a lot less weird...
you are weird.
hello, nurse
WaM... you need to learn a little thing called respect.
r, e, s, p, e, c, t. find out what it means to me.
The retarded kind.
Secret Satan
Yeah. Obviously this forum is a little different to others.
a. Everyone's a dick.
b. You need to be a dick too.
c. If you're not a dick, people will dick with you.
d. Pretend to be dumber than you are to be cooler than you are.
e. Carry a big bag full of "flames" and use them whenever possible, even if they don't fit. You're being a dick so the dicks will like you.
Think I'm catching on already...
k np
Secret Satan
it really enhances that big penis there
because now everybody's talking to you
unresponsive wood?
i know, huh
i employed a little neoclassical juxtoposition to subtly underpin the struggle of mouth vs. big floppy dinger
We can still see you and how stupid you are.
Secret Satan
Holy shit!? How is that even possible!?!?
This internet thing is maddness...
The "i'ma post sumpin' real dumb and then when people hate it i'ma pretend like the whole stupid thread is some kind of ironic commentary and roffles you are all cocks" game.
It's such an original tack, too. I mean, it clearly worked for the several hundred other, slightly quicker and less stupid dipshits who were his intellectual forebears. Why not him too?
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