UPDATE: 7 Days of Modern Warfare.
Day 1 :
New thread, I cant wait for this game. Thanks to Artreus for the op.
This game is freaking fantastic. It is taking a bit of a break from tradition and is being set, not in World War II, but in the present day. Crazy Russian nationalist wants to bring the Soviet Union back. He does this by funding a coup type activity in the Middle East.
The main characters you play as are going to be :
* Lieutenant Price, 22nd SAS Regiment (15 years ago)
* Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish, 22nd SAS Regiment (present)
* Sergeant Paul Jackson, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment (later Sergeant as part of 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C.) (present)
With various short stints as other characters from time to time.
The game looks fantastic, although you really have to see it in motion, check out the trailers
here. However, as a result the system requirements are pretty steep.
List of perks:
Perk 1:
* Bomb Squad(allows you to see enemy C4)
* C4 x 2
* Claymore x 2
* RPG-7 x 2
* Special Grenades x 3
* Frag x 3
* Bandolier (adds more ammo to your clip)
Perk 2:
* Juggernaut(More Health)
* Sleight of hand(Reload quicker)
* Stopping power(More weapon damage)
* UAV Jammer(Jams enemy radar)
* Sonic Boom(increases your explosive damage)
* Double Tap(increases your weapon's rate of fire)
Perk 3:
* Extreme conditioning(Sprint longer)
* Steady Aim(Steadier aiming)
* Last Stand(Shoot your pistol while dying)
* Deep Impact(Better bullet penetration through walls)
* Dead Silence(Less noise when running)
* Iron Lungs(Hold breath longer when sniping)
* Eavesdrop(Allows you to listen in on enemy chat)
* Martyrdom(While dying, player pulls a grenade)
List of weapons:
Level Unlocked\Gun
1 USP .45
1 M9
1 MP5
1 M249 S.A.W.
1 M16A4
2 W1200
3 M403
4 Skorpion
4 AK-47
8 M21
10 M4 carbine
13 Mini-Uzi
16 M1911 .45
19 M60E4
22 Dragunov SVD
25 G3
28 AK-74U
31 M1014
34 Remington 700
37 G36C
40 P90
43 Desert eagle
46 M14
49 Barrett .50 cal
52 MP44
55 Golden Desert Eagle
* 50cal turret technical
* ac130(105/25/40mm)
* agm114
* Airstrike
* ak47
* ak74u
* at4
* aw50
* barrett
* barrett fake* (Don't know what is it)
* beretta
* binoculars
* bm21 missile
* bmp turret
* bog mortar turret
* bradley turret
* brick blaster(also on multi)
* brick bomb
* c4
* camera(10/20/30/45/5fov)
* claymore
* cobra20mm
* cobra air support
* cobra FFAR
* cobra hellfire
* cobra seeker
* cobra sidewinder
* cod3mg42 turret
* colt45
* default vehicle weapon
* desert eagle
* dog bite
* dragunov
* facemask
* flash grenade
* frag grenade
* g3
* g36c
* gp25
* heli minigun
* heli small arms
* heli spot light
* hindFFAR
* hind tmp rocket
* hind turret
* humvee50cal
* hunted crash missile
* javelin
* m1014
* m14
* m16
* m1a1
* m203
* m4
* m40a3
* m4m203
* m60e4
* mark19
* mg42
* mi28
* minigun player turret
* mp44
* mp5
* p90
* parabolic
* remington700
* rpd
* rpg
* sa6 missile
* saw
* skorpion
* slamraam missile
* smoke grenade
* stinger
* t72 turret
* usp
* uzi
* winchester1200
* zpu turret
Please PM me with your gamertag if you plan on getting this for 360. If you want to add [PA] clan tags(in game), when you get it.
Gamer tags:
The Doctor - Timmy Mouse
LookFreeGernade - Lookfreegrenade
Bamelin - Bamelin
RetotheMix - EML0210
The_Scarab - AaronBayley
sir_michael7 - Collie C
zilo - kongmc
arod_77 - arod 77
RocketSauce - WolfSlap
Shlank - Shlankx
Smashism - smashism
LordNibbler - JP Browncoat
twmjr - twmjr
Dashui - Vacorsis
Wienke - The Wienke
DebaserZbs - DebaserZbs
mescalito - jawb0x
Ruiner999 - BornToHula87
Travan - Travan7838
Funksubmarine - Nice Pete
Bill Cosby - BillCosby42
Burtletoy - Burtletoy
Shadowfire - Windrunner
squirly - verisa
One Thousand Dicks - CableCarrier
Fonjo - Fonjo
fkn creep - kreepahh
Tiemler - Tiemler
Yall - Yall
GogoKodo - GogoKodo
Voro - Comrade Nexus
Duo - Pirsqed
emerszi - Emerszie
Scodo - Scud0
Bwah? - keshaw
Loata - Kerune
First Day Purchase for me, beta made me do it.
EDIT: but the DS version sounds interesting
Same here. this game is to fun. I hope they don't change it to much form the beta, except for the speed of leveling up, i hope it's slower.
Really? Because I just played the crysis demo and can't say it was all that special. I mean sure, it was Far Cry 2.0 WITHOUT STUPID JUMPING MONSTERS (which is a good thing).. but CoD4 just felt so much more intense, and fun.
I would love to get this on the pc when it comes out but need to save money for a trip this christmas break. One of my friends is getting it on the 360 though.
I enjoyed the CoD4 beta more than Halo 3, and more than TF2.
Add Bamelin to the 360 gamertag list.
the demo ran surprisingly well on my PC at middling settings, but I think I'm gonna get it for 360 because of how smooth the beta felt
I'd love to get in on some MP with you upstanding gentlemen provided I get the game sooner rather than later
Follow me on Twitter??
I mean, yeah the CoD4 demo was intense and incredibly well scripted, it's the same linear of path of scripted sequences and polished to hell, but other than the modern skin, it felt like the same game we've already played twice. Maybe the russian levels will be different, but advancing through hordes of enemies to get to an objective and press the C4 button has been done to death. maybe the russian sniper missions will be better. And i'm not saying that it's bad, it certainly was an enjoyable 20 minutes, and I'll probably pick it up sometime early next year, but the step from CoD2 to CoD4 seems to be about as much of a step up as BF2 to BF2142 (ie, the basic gameplay is polished and a few chrome peices are put in, but the basic gameplay is the same).
Besides, I never ment to say that CoD4 is a bad game or anything, just that PC gamers have been hyping Crysis a heck of a lot more, and it seems like most of the anticipation for CoD4 seem to be coming from 360 people.
CoD2 and CoD3 were ok, but the introduction of modern weapons, combined with full clan support and levelling .... CoD4 multiplayer is a totally new experience.
There is a big reason you're hearing so much anticipation from 360 people (as you noted earlier). CoD4 had a month long Multiplayer Beta test on the 360 that ended September 30th. Alot of us, myself included, played multiplayer to death and are currently suffering from a major case of withdrawal.
Then we could have used the Famas . I hope i get my Xbox back before the 5th.
True dat. And the methadone just isn't helping very much.
CoD 2 had some great moments too. Never played 3. But I remember the first two had some lengthy campaigns and after hearing that this game might be 6 hours for a mediocre player really disturbs me.
I like to replay shooters more than any other game but if it means there are only so many levels that I'll be repeating then boo.
Also why the fuck is the Desert Eagle in this and not a SOCOM with all kinds of fancy shit on it? Nobody in real life uses that gun. At least its little brother is in it.
Gt: AaronBayley
Will be playing it a lot, but Im getting serious gaming fatigue of late, too. many. games.
The only thing I hate is with all these shooters its hard to switch them around. It's REALLY hard for me to play Halo 3 (as in I suck now) because I'm so very used to playing TF2. Now when THIS comes out I might be giving up TF2
they all have special editions too!
oh god my money
Seriously, I'm buying 5 games next month, I don't have time to be tired of gaming
I havent even bought PGR4 yet because I am so backlogged.
PGR4! Ive been the biggest fan of the series since fuckin MSR. Me not buying PGR4 day one is like 043 not buying Halo 3 day one. Ludicrous.
And I make light of the situation, but it is becoming a serious problem. I just do not have enough time in my life to play all of these games. I havent even played Forza 2 or crackdown. I have so much shit not played that I must play eventually I will be buying one game per week until April. Im not kidding. 1 per week.
Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
Re: the demo- without giving too much away I can say that Bog is the most traditional CoD level in the game, which is why it was put in the demo. You'll see a lot of stuff you haven't seen in a CoD game (or in any first person shooter for that matter).
And of course the multiplayer is phenomenal, but everybody knows that by now.
shit yeah
Full Clan support?
You are bull shitting yourself
Currently on the 360 version you can add in your clan tag before your gamertag without having to actually change your gamertag ... it may not seem like much but this is a big first for 360 multiplayer titles. Combined with a Halo3 ish party/matchmaking system ... yeah pretty much full clan support/clan friendly.
I suspect that clan leaderboards/scrims/tourneys will leap up around this.
Uh...R6:Vegas let you have a clan tag. But it is still a pretty cool feature.
Add another voice to the the chorus of praise here. The MP beta was phenomenal, way beter than Halo 3 IMO, especially if you prefer a focus on infantry combat over vehicular shenanigans (not that that isn't fun too.) The gunplay in CoD4 just feels so right
Full Clan support he says.
What else would you add?
i'm already addicted to TF2. what am i suppose to do now, because the multiplayer of CoD4 is suppose to be awesome
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do