I made that rhyme on purpose.
Anyway, having just finished reading the four books in
A Song of Ice and Fire, and loving them, I'm ready for the next thing.
While I like mild fantasy, I don't know a lot about the genre but I know some names. Terry Goodkind is one I'd heard of. After some research I noticed he's got a fairly lengthy series going so I picked up the first book,
Wizard's First Rule.
This book is bad. Like, really really bad, especially after coming from George RR Martin. But in some twisted way, I'm enjoying it. I'm only on page 80 but I just want to know, does this get better? What kind of reputation does Terry Goodkind really have? He looks like a giant tool in the picture on the back cover. I could go on and on about what I hate about the first 80 pages but for some reason, at least at this point, I'm going to keep reading it.
Anyway, my question for this thread is, should I proceed with this book and series, knowing it gets better, or regret the $8 I spent on this book and move on to something else?
i've read all the books up to latest one to come out. it's a very entertaining series. it's not good like A Song of Ice and Fire or anything, but they're entertaining enough to read.
things get kinda shitty with a few books, like Pillars of Creation, and one other who's name i can't remember. Faith of the Fallen is definitely the best book in the series, and even then a lot of people agree it's only OK.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
If you want something similar to George R.R. Martin, try Steven Erikson's "Malazan Book of the Fallen" series. It's a bit heavier on the magical side than Martin, but there's still plenty of cruelty and heroism and bone-cracking brutality as well.
This link goes some way to explaining why. (Not my site, found it a while back. And there are spoilers behind the link, but honestly, it would be difficult to ruin the experience any more than Goodkind already has.)
About 3 books in I got bored, although I did continue to read as far as Faith of the Fallen and a little bit farther.
I love my books. I generally keep them all. I was reading one of his paperbacks (I don't remember the name or I'd warn you about it), basically it's new (mostly unlikable) characters set in the same world. The book was made out to be something that figured into the rest of the books but..
I was reading that book in the tub and got bored about half the way through it. I mean bored for pages and pages. So I skipped ahead, read the spoileriffic ending above and literally dropped that fucker into the water.
PSN: Broichan
I wish I had never started on them, and the only reason I continue reading them is because I'm so far in, I feel like I need to finish the goddamn things (I borrow from the library, so as not to actually give the cocksucker any of my money).
Just stop now. You'll be much, much happier in the long run.
I get it. You don't like Socialism. I didn't need to read a whole fucking FANTASY book about how awful it is.
PSN: Broichan
Watch that and tell me you don't want to smack him in the chops. His head is just so far up his ass, it's amazing.
Naked Empire was the WORST fantasy novel I have ever read. I have refused to read anything else he has put out.
You will be hard pressed to find anything that truly lives up to George R.R. Martin's Ice and Fire books.
I do own the first book of the Book of the Fallen series, and got about 200 pages into it, and realized I really didn't understand just what in the hell was going on. I'm a good reader but that book is dense. Still, the writing itself is worlds better than Goodkind so far.
Maybe I'll try starting over on Malazan because I've heard from others that it's good.
I'm right there with you. I'm actually gearing up for try number 3. I got further the second time than I did with the first, and understood what was going on a lot better (and actually started to get into it). I'm actually not sure why I dropped off. I find that in such sophisticated and dense stories (A Song of Ice and Fire, Malazan Book of the Fallen, DUNE, the ROME tv series), I have a brief period of not really knowing what's going on, but as time goes by I kinda get into the swing of things. Once this has happened, I can follow it no matter what, since I pretty much know the rules of the game. One usually doesn't think of books having learning curves, but some do, and in my experience they're better for it
that's hilarious.
If you think the first book is bad now, wait till you wind up
when he gets stronger
it's seriously like swordfighting - with bullet time. it's great. two page description of how his blade arcs through the air and whatnot
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
I'm a big Martin fan, and I've always heard "hey, try the Malazan books if you like Martin" - but I don't understand the recommendation - I really disliked the first book, and almost couldn't finish it. The writing seemed pretty bad.
yeah. He describes combat really really well.
Once you get through it, though, most of the other books are amazing. Memories of Ice puts Martin's work to *shame* as far as raw emotional impact goes. If you thought it was tragic in ASoIaF when, say,
Another series you may want to take a look at is the Gentleman Bastards series, by Scott Lynch. It's lighter than Martin (which, as far as stating the obvious goes, is rather like pointing out that a feather is less dense than the inside of a collapsed *star*), but it's fun stuff and well written. If ASoIaF was the War of the Roses fantasy-style, the Gentleman Bastards is Ocean's 11.
I admit that some of the descriptions are repetitious and droll, and definitely admit that there is some very heavy handed Objectivism allegory. However, I find myself liking the aesthetics of the 'cut' and 'Han' passages. Further, I don't hate Ayn Rand as many PA'rs do.
If you want a fantasy book to be a fantasy book and not to posture as anything more, you'll probably find Goodkind intrusive and self-important.
However, I find it endearing. Definitely one of my favorite fantasy series.
You can probably find used copies on amazon for a dollar.
edit: yeah I just read that livejournal entry linked above and it's dead on.
As far as things that are comparable to ASoIaF, I heard from some people that Gregory Keyes' series The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone is really goddamn good. I picked up the first book in the series, but I haven't read it yet, so I can't really vouch.
I didn't stop because of that, I actually graduated high school and couldn't read during class anymore.
I enjoyed them, but it was so long ago I don't think I'll ever pick them up again.
I'm so detached to the characters and forgotten most of the plot.
I actually have the next book or two but... It's lost to me sadly.
I just skimmed most of the replies because you guys were talking about some weird authors and books and what not, but I didn't see much about the show.
They're still making that right? I was kinda excited to give that a shot.
Here and in other places I've read have all pretty much confirmed that after Faith of the Fallen (Book 6), any redeeming qualities the series had went away. Still, I'm planning to read the rest of the series, especially since the last book in the series is supposed to come out in two weeks. That's right, at least Goodkind is rapping it up and we'll get an ending, unlike the Wheel of Time. Although the review for the Chainfire trilogy which is ending the series seem to be very middle of the road.
i tried. i couldn't make it through the first book.
super dry writing style, i dunno. i didn't dig it at all. it's suppose to get good though, but i couldn't do it.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Start at the start, with the Farseer trilogy.
If you want *bad* fantasy (as in trashy, yet enjoyable) - Melanie Rawn, Maggie Fury (her dragons are solar powered and shoot lasers from their eyes, what more could you ask for?).
David Eddings isn't that bad, as long as you're willing to accept that all of his series have the same general plot (this has been true of the four I've read - The Belgariad and The Malloreon; The Elenium and The Tamuli) but are fairly decent fantasy. I personally preferred the Elenium and the Tamuli, but that may just have been because I read them years earlier and they were some of my most reread fantasy novels for several years.
Skip Robert Jordan, unless you enjoy reading just for the sake of reading and don't mind incredibly over-complex plots with too many characters and story arcs. And Jordan describes embriodery, particularly that on cloaks, somewhat endlessly.
Imho - Faith of the Fallen was excellent with the lesson it was trying to teach, and it's ultimate theme of redemption.
I also agree that Mr. Goodkind can also be a bit preachy with his work, but i've always just seen that as a way that gives his subjects depth, so in all it's never really bothered me.
In the end everyones tastes are different, but i'm sure there is a book or series that is right for everyone out there. As for me i'm looking forward to the final book in the series that will be out in a few weeks and the coming TV - Min series of WFR, directed by Sam Raimi
However, Goodkinds battle scenes are great. And Zedd is fucking awesome. So I'm going to finish this series up.
I second Sara Douglass, she is pretty decent and the wayfarer redemption series is alright.
I also particularly like Elizabeth Haydon and C.S. Friedman.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
I enjoyed them all, so it's formulaic but i don't really mind. I really don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about authors works. If you are really concerned about the quality of a series you are going to read, grab the first one from a library.
I picked up The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. Hopefully this will be more satisfying.
Waste of time.
Read a good, standalone fantasy like Guy Gavril Kay's Tigana. It's my fantasy bible.
Agreed. Robin Hobb is definitely worth reading. One of my favorite authors right behind Martin. The Farseer Trilogy, the Liveship Trader series, and the Tawny Man trilogy are all excellent, and I would highly reccomend them.
Kay's work is utterly magnificent.
"How does it feel to be Mrs. Rahl," asks Richard. (Or whatever he called her, basically his slut)
"Sticky," she said.
This was just before the whole village they're in is murdered by a chicken.
Read the Book of the New Sun instead. For the love of all that is good and holy.
Gene Wolfe is a good writer and deserves your money.
Terry Goodkind, by all rights, should fail miserably.