This week kicked off the start of the Bat-event " The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul".
so far all we really know is
ra's is back in zombie form by some method not involving the Lazerus pits, he is looking for Nanda Pabat, has seven men of death after him, and it turns out that Bats short time as dad has made damian into a little less of a jackass.
will ra's really come back? Will Damian ever get his happy crime fighting family? Will we ever find out where all those damn ninjas come from?
for all those answers and more, stay tuned*
*all questions may not be answered by staying tuned.
doom the fuck tree
I hope not. Making Ra's a little boy isn't very intimidating.
Somehow I don't think so:
Anyway, really loved the prelude and can't wait for the rest of the crossover.
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Someone on Newsarama thinks that Dick will die, Tim will become Nightwing, and Damian will be Robin
It wouldn't make any sense
But it's completely possible
Especially since Tim is always "I'm not them"
That's why I said it'd make no sense at all
but that doesn't mean they wouldn't do it
Tim is Robin post Res o' Ras.
Dick is Nightwing post Res o' Ras.
They wont kill or swap any of them. I guarantee it.
PSN: OrneryRooster
That and Damian becomes Robins sidekick.
Imagine the Teen Titans tryout.
PSN: OrneryRooster
According to an often correct rumor-monger over on SA's comic forums, Robin is going to be canceled at the end of Dixon's run and replaced with the new title, "Red Robin", presumably starring Jason Todd. At this point it's just a crazy rumor, but the guy's been right before, and it sounds like something DC would do.
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Hopefully Dixon stays on for another 100 issues
Which you are, I guess, but that's more or less the first preconception they ought to shatter if they want you to take the title seriously.
I like the reading about the relationship between Tim and Bruce, though, which gets posted on scans_daily every now and then.
Keep in mind that Tim leads the goddamn Teen Titans up against some major villains, and he doesn't have any powers. So I think they count as his villains.
Dodge isn't a villain anymore.
He's gone up against pretty much all of Batman's villains. I mean, he's fought the Joker solo a few times, so it's not like he's "confronting threats that are only small enough for him to handle."
As Batman says in an issue of Robin, Tim's smarter than the rest of them. He's not the greatest fighter and he knows it, which is why he relies more on detective work and out-thinking his opponents.
Dixon's stories were great. Try and pick up "A Hero Reborn", "Joker's Wild" and "Flying Solo"
I said the same thing during IC.
And all the stuff Dick has done post-IC makes me wish Didio had killed him
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And I agree with the whole secret identity thing. Batman's his dad now, so he doesn't have to worry. Chuck Dixon said he's going to fix this up right away, though.
There are a few people that could be returning to make "Robin fans" happy: Ariana Dzerchenko hasn't been seen in a long time; his step-mother Dana is still unaccounted for after Chemo was dropped on Blüdhaven (they never specified if she was rescued in time); plus there's Spoiler on that Gotham Underground cover (although who knows what that means)
Basically I am fucking ecstatic for Dixon's return on the book. It was such a fun read when he wrote it. It wasn't some "big thing". Even when it was plagued by so many Bat-crossovers it didn't make them out to be big deals. Tim just dealt with them.
I think it's something we learn in this crossover.
PSN: OrneryRooster
Currently all we know is that it was via a method other than using a Lazarus Pit. As I Ching put it -
"There are other methods of ressurection. I speak now of the survival of the mind beyond the death of the body"
PSN: OrneryRooster
Are you trying to imply that Ra's impregnated his own daughter...?
Drakeon: Yep, it did.