So, the other day I finally kludged together a Wiki for my work intranet. Thought it would be a great way to quickly write tutorials and other help and tips pages without having to know html or other languages. Over time, as the employees learn wikitext, they could put together their own pages and come up with their own uses for it.
Thing is though, when I said I kludged it together, I really meant it. I just followed the directions on, setup a Win2K3 server, installed apache, php, and mySQL, installed MediaWiki and lo and behold, it worked.
I consider myself a generic IT guy. I understand Windows and networking pretty well with over a decade of IT and Help Desk experience, but I don't have any certs, I have a basic understanding of websites and html and that's really it. I know nothing about php and mysql other than PHP is a web based language and MySQL is a database. I used to be a comp sci major back in the day, but that was so long ago, (1994-95) so while I know I have the ability to write code and understand it. Any practical knowledge I had is surely obsolete
I used to be fairly indifferent to the Wiki fad when I first heard about it, but when the community here put together the 360arcadians wiki and I saw how quickly they put it up and how easy it was to make your own content. I just figured it would be great to make my own. Now I've achieved my goal, but now I feel like I'm over my head should my supervisors want me to go forward with this.
So, I'm trying to learn as much as I can. MediaWiki recommended this book:
So I was wondering if anyone else can agree with the recommendation, or share their own. I'm not really looking to become a php, or mySQL expert, but I'd like to learn what I can to manage and operate the Wiki and the technology behind it all.
Thanks in advance!
I'm in the same boat, I just WAMP'd it and I've been toying with the various extensions.
Just a tip though, I recommend you backup or image your wikiserver before you enable each extension, especially if you get into screwing with namespace permissions. If they don't completely fuck up your wiki, they can still dirty up your database.
So far I haven't tried any extensions yet, not even phpAdmin. And fortunately, I've made it clear to my coworkers that this wiki is just in the 'proof of concept' stage right now. Hell I haven't heard back from them yet on whether or not they like it.
That's one big issue that I'll need to tackle eventually. Sure I know how to backup an entire server, but if I wanted to do a quick backup without having to backup the entire server, what are the important files for the site (the htdocs folder I presume?) and what are the important files for the database?
A lot of the terminology is unknown to me as well. For example, I don't even really know what a namespace is. I've heard these terms thrown about for years, but I've just never had to actually deal with them before.
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I think the critical files are a) the contents of the webserver directory where the wiki is hosted from and b)the MySQL database, which I suppose you'd have to learn to backup the actual MySQL database.