I don't know if you saw me and my buddy running around with our Nerf guns at the Double Tree on Friday night, but we want to get a large battle going after the concert on Saturday. Didn't bring your Nerf Gun? There is a Toys 'R' Us just 2 blocks away from the double tree selling the gun I got for $9.99!!!!!!! Drop a note under our door at room 842 if you want in, if we get enough people (12 or more) we'll play CTF in the Double Tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So come one come all! And bring your piece!!
I think I was standing next to you in line last night.
If anyone can't find the Toys 'R' Us, ask the front desk of the Double Tree, they are really nice, and think I am funny as hell running around last night until 4:30am with my gun.
Thank you Tycho for being a good sport and letting us hunt you. Your bravery as you fought against the mass Nerf Army with your one gun will always be remembered.
P.S. I will still have Nightmares of the "POP" sound of the Nerf Bazooka that was down there!
Tyco shot me in the nitz. I feel struck with fanboy-ness.
I think I'm gonna buy one of those bazookas.
As for the alarm, what happened was one Red guy openned a door at the exact moment that someone else hit the emergancy button in the elevator on the fifth floor (I had to talk to the lady at the front desk to find this out, nice people the Doubletree crew), but someone jumped to conclusions and started bitching us out.
But it all went well, like I said before, you guys made it happen. I was worried about cheaters and people getting too rowdy, but everything went smooth. Next year I might try and organize something that ties the PAX Nerf Warriors and the PAXssains together, or maybe just a bigger Nerf Battle.
P.S. If anyone can find the picture the girl took of all of us before the battle, I'd LOVE to make that my Sig, and just to keep it as a mento.
I would like to demand an image, but that would be rude, so instead I will simply request one!
the top piece of this
email me
ang_thurston at shaw.ca
I would have kicked ass in your little fight but unfortunately alcohol had other plans
PAX 06 it's on futility
Alright then
edit: though i left mine behind not thinking I could take it on the plane... if they aren't for sale I'll have to build mine
i'm thinking a compound nerf bow
though to be honnest I've been thinking about making a gun... somehting with an air compressor
an unarmed non-combatant....
all of them.....
You weren't unarmed, you had the camera. You were trying to steal our souls, I think it was fair.
and now i own all your souls....
oh the possibilities
you guys build your moat check
for all the boats checked
did anyone use it as a tote check
at the coat check?
You didn't stick around to play though, SmallLady. I had to represent the females all alone and I wasn't very good at that.
i wish i had stayed that night! i ended up watching guys slap eachother in the face insead.... that was weird.... :P
Nerf bazooka -
I also scoped that shit... and as you can see had an unattached bayonette
just 100 points shy of a mensa membership
gmail me tomorrow and we shall see who will attened
Also, what "hunting"? You all shot tycho on the way from my car to his room, he was tired and shot at someone to get it over with.
Holy angry at the world.
Why were you down in the 24 hour room and expecting quite? Do me that seems like a bad idea. and for the record about 13 of us ran from the 8th floor, pass a doubletree gaurd (Who laughed at us) and shot Tycho who first shot a guy in the nuts! As for the alarm, I thought I already mentioned it wasn't us, it was someone in the 5th floor who hit the alarm in the elevator and ran away.
I had the "Nerf....Bow......'n' Arrow!" song stuck in my head all weekend after I saw your bow in your room.
And thanks for the picture Small Lady!
Arrow Storm
You cannot fight back beneath their power. A group of people with Ballzookas could lay waste to an army of people with bow and arrows.
This happened in the double tree on saturday night in one of the conference rooms on the bottom floor. And you can bet it'll continute on to PAX 06 after the success of this year.
Nerd Power!
sp00n loves you