The Tanzanian Giant Millipede
Many millipedes are quite docile and may safely be kept as pets and handled without risk of injury. The giant African millipede (
Archispirostreptus gigas) is a common pet. These can be found at pet stores for reasonable prices. Sometimes very similar millipedes can be bought under the name
Lophostreptus rutilans but in most cases it is just
Archispirostreptus gigas. With the proper caging and feeding, pet millipedes can live up to about 7 years and grow to be as long as
15 inches.
Some kind of adorable spider!
The praying mantis! Not all that cute, but deffinately cool.
The cuttlefish! Nature's master of disguise and relative to other sneaky tentacled ambush predators, the squid and octopus. Highly intelligent and adorable, these little guys should be called
cuddlefish. Some species are poisonous, but most can be an interesting addition to a salt water acquarium.
What kind of creepy-crawlies do you enjoy, or at least find interesting?
edit: oh, NSF56k. i don't know how to edit thread titles, so... shit.
He just wants to love you.
No. he wants to poision me and lay eggs inside me.
that's a centipede
How are you supposed to hug something with so many arms.
He just showed up when I GIS'd millipede.
There needs to me more TV shows/games/mascots where a mantis the main character, or the villain, or a mantis themed superhero/villain.
Although I hated that twin mantis boss in Jet Force. Seriously took me over a year to beat those guys.
no I do not think you understand
Leaping out to fight ninjas...
But I digress.
edit: mantises (manti?) are fairly common in california. there was one climbing the screen of my window a week ago.
i think he may have been trying to get in.
Mantises? That's interesting.
Not as bad as the banana slug though. Those guys have it rough.
Also, I can't find that far side gallery cartoon with the mantis joke.
SOTAR, you keep proving yourself to me.
It is the anti-cuddley.
Also, the bottom of his little head kinda looks like a face
edit: Well... puffer fish may not be cuddly, but they sure are cute.
you guys are gross <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
I was about to fall asleep one night and then I heard a cricket chirp. It was somewhere in my basement.
I spent 2 hours tracking the fucker until I found it hiding inside of metal tube in my closet.
Did I smash the fucker?
Oh God yes.
Don't do that again.
Edit: Referring to yonder slug.
Why would any guy mantis ever want to have sex?
"Man did you hear what happened to Jim at prom?"
"No dude what?"
"Julie sucked his head"
"No way! Awesome"