Is it worse to be cold or hot?
Does it feel better to cool off in a hot place or get warm in a cold place?
Don't you find drying off with a towel annoying? Where is my jetsons full body dryer
Isn't it a great feeling when you a thirsty and you drink something delicious and refreshing
when you run really fast its kinda a cool feeling
do you think the flash runs around in constant orgasm
do women become sexier the more clothes they have on so you can fantasize about taking more layers off thus increasing the duration of your fantasy like snow bunnies
sweater bunnies
they need a drug that feels like mint for your brain
the refreshment
but for your mind
i like really deep blue skies
what is the lowest quality of beer you will accept if it is free
should we really be eating hams
this fat animal it is just there
some people say people taste like ham
who are these people
lock them up
is there such thing as bird repellent
i will spray it on trees around my life home
if things are more satisfying if you do them yourself
how satisfying is a self attained bear skin rug (pretty awesome i bet)
the bear skin rug man i would go bear hunting for a chance at that
i wonder if fleas are a problem though
natty lite
warming in a cool place
anything beyond a sweater is overkill
eat ham errday
you are good people
and i approve of your thoughts
Even lower than rat?
whats up se people
Bologna is the worst, neck to neck with spam.
Rat is a tender and toothsome thing
if you are eating spam for lunch
you are no longer eating lunch
Tacos are just fabulous
You've never had a fried spam sandwich for lunch? Its pretty good for like 30 cents worth of ingredients.
these fat bastards love talking about it
i think of solar power and i think of only good things
Like the adventures you would have flying down the tube
The production process is pretty dirty.
Edit: of the panels
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
why not the place you live in be totally radical
Especially if you are en route to warmth and possibly hot tea
allow me to compare efficiencie s of various power production typess~~
and it like ate people
An assertion like this require some sort of well-articulated evidence