Kovak wrote: » i am giving this thread no stars that is like the least amount of stars
Blankspace wrote: » Good choice Anjin God, Danny Rand is the best person ever.
Agent Vesago wrote: » What the hell is going on in here?
Anjin-San wrote: » Man, Blank I got that new Immortal Iron Fist hardcover.So sexy.
and this is your third one
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
that is like the least amount of stars
So sexy.
God, Danny Rand is the best person ever.
Dammit Kovak if it weren't for this post I would have forgotten that I could five star this thread.
Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker. Son of a bitch, yes!
I am going to remedy this by going to sleep
If I wake up tomorrow with a headache I will murder a living being out of generic rage
There's a hardcover? Nice. That's another thing added to the list of stuff I need to buy.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll