You got me here.
I don't know which Judy Garland musical you're referring to?
Is this from The Clock? I don't know that one as well as the musicals.
Then again, from what I know about the plot, I don't think that this line would fit.
Damnit, now I don't feel as smart for knowing a line from an obscure musical that I shouldn't know as a straight guy.
The VCR is a strange invention. My parents taped it off PBS at some point in the early 80s, so it was one of like 10 videos I watched all the time. What's worse is that it was during a pledge drive, so every so often my parents' poor on-the-fly editing would show some lady begging for money and ringing a bell, only to cut right back into the movie. A weird experience.
This is also how I experienced The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi for quite some time as well.
I can't believe he locked it right on my "I'm a fat ass" post. Now, everybody that goes to look at what comic he left behind will see that.
I kinda doubt people will pay that much attention :P If it makes you feel any better, my "I'm a little princess teehee!" post is like right above yours.
Just for the record though, I want to say that I paid those nose-bleed-inducing tabs a couple times myself, so I'm not like a total leech :P
Zing zing zing went my heart strings!
From the moment I saw him, I fell!
Hmm cookies.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
I WIN, MOTHER[Chat]er!!!
Fatty mc fat fat.
Have a cookie.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
Yeah. I was going to ask how fat you are, fatty.
I should be asleep. :x
Fat people can be pretty right?
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
You got me here.
I don't know which Judy Garland musical you're referring to?
Is this from The Clock? I don't know that one as well as the musicals.
Then again, from what I know about the plot, I don't think that this line would fit.
I am prettier then Gim I guess.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
I wanted to chat in a musical-themed thread
Or not. Merged. Interesting.
That is the one.
Make shit that can stand on it's own people!
Saburbia, crushing the dreams of musical lovers.
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
Oh wait.
That's how I roll, bitches!
Meet me in St. Louis was a perfectly good stand alone musical, although it was adapted from a series of books by some chick who's name eludes me.
Or you know... Elks likes cookies better then musicals.
Plus the only person I suck is ... wait minute its a trap!
3DS: 2852-6809-9411
The VCR is a strange invention. My parents taped it off PBS at some point in the early 80s, so it was one of like 10 videos I watched all the time. What's worse is that it was during a pledge drive, so every so often my parents' poor on-the-fly editing would show some lady begging for money and ringing a bell, only to cut right back into the movie. A weird experience.
This is also how I experienced The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi for quite some time as well.
Google Groups Search Term: gold foil electrode construction
2nd Result: Brother Sister Sex Porn.
I enjoy Musicals and also enjoy vaginas and boobies.
I kinda doubt people will pay that much attention :P If it makes you feel any better, my "I'm a little princess teehee!" post is like right above yours.
Just for the record though, I want to say that I paid those nose-bleed-inducing tabs a couple times myself, so I'm not like a total leech :P