So in our different role-playing adventures, we have all had DMs throw in our character's direction some kind of huge challenge or "boss." The solutions we come up for these challenges or the fights that follow the encounter are always...well, pretty cool. But we can't always run down the streets of our town/city yelling of our victories (imaginary as they may be)...because typically police action follows said "running down the street yelling."
Here is where we can safely brag of our role-playing accomplishments/victories and show off some of the scars and trophies that will surely impress all and in time, make great resume material.
I'll start with a tale that I'm fairly happy with. I was playing my dark elf wizard (yes, its a dark elf and yes, I picked dark elf because of the Drizzt books. I was young. Don't judge me, Jesus says not to) with a group of people including a ranger, psion (pyro!), cleric, barbarian, fighter and thief. We were taking a break from our main adventure and going on a 'side quest' to take out some pesky bandits that kept harassing caravans near this one village.
So off we go into the forest and after some scouting, we stumble upon the bandit camp. I'm around level 6 (I think), so everyone else was level 8 (Drow are +2 ECL). We have no trouble taking out the normal bandit scum...that is until we encounter "the boss." A hill giant.
We're kind of worn out at this point, but for a group of six level 8 adventurers, one hill giant wouldn't be that big of a deal.
Until it turned into a wereboar. That added all kinds of 'Holy Crap' to this encounter. The fighters swarm it and are systematically left beaten. The cleric rushes to heal the fighters and I come up with a wondrous idea to "even the odds." Using the ranger near me who was belting the hill giant-turned-wereboar with arrows, I used the spell 'Polymorph' (this was in 3.0 version rules, can't remember them exactly) and turned the ranger into a large gold dragon.
Now just imagine that in your heads for a moment, two giant beasts of equal size - one a feral giant and the other, golden-scaled perfection. Clashing in the middle of this forest-camp. The moment it went off, I thought for sure we had it made.
Now the dragon-ranger got off a few good hits, but just two rounds later the giant hits said dragon-ranger with a crazy critical hit (he was using a magic waraxe or something). Does like 78 damage and our dragon-ranger is out of commission.
But the damage had been dealt. Our other fighters were healed, and between them and our psion pelting it with firestuffs (thief was doing the crossbow thing, methinks), we took it down.
My dark elf is now level 11, and since the were-boar giant encounter, we have taken on two dragons and defeated them (both greens). Were-boar giant is still one of my favorite victories.
Always good times.