So! Thanksgiving is days away, and if you are like most people, you will probably be feasting with family and spending hours with said family members. Since I'm still in school, I get most of this week off, and will be playing games non-stop for the most part all my vacation. The only possibly wrench in this plan is: family.
Luckily, most of my siblings play games as well, and my father, so it's likely a non-issue in my household.
This thread is to talk about your family and if they play games with you, even if just over the holidays (and what games you'll play).
Rock Band is the obvious choice here, and some Wii titles come to mind, but with Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed to play I dunno if I'm going to enjoy all the company.
Me and my brothers and dad are forming a Rock Band band called "The Family Ca Hones", and will rock out hardcore and listen to the horrible singing of various family members.
Do you play games with your family, and if so what do you play/ will you play over the holidays?
I'll be going down to my mom's over the weekend, but they don't have any systems and we usually spend our time playing real instruments and having a huge all night jam session.
My little sister likes the sort of games a 7 year old girl would like, which other than Mario means that we don't really mix with our tastes, since I'm still having a blast playing 2142 and she's having a blast playing Webkinz and Strawberry shortcake GBA on her DS.
My dad sometimes plays Sonic from the VC on my Wii.
My older sister is still in Africa doing the peace corps thing, but she normally would be my 2p.
Ok, you know what, when I find one of these girl people who puts up with the horrible shell of a person who is me, I'm totally going to propose to her by asking her to be my 2p. That'll be the best proposal ever.
Super Mario Kart
Mortal Kombat II & 3
Mario Kart 64
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
I seem to recall 2000 involved a bit of Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on the Dreamcast, and the following year one of them brought over another N64 James Bond game which didn't have as solid of multiplayer gaming.
After that it's been pretty much just my folks and siblings, but good gravy, all those years of Mortal Kombat 3 and 4-player Goldeneye made the time it took to clean that familyroom up afterwards totally worth it.
Seriously, I think I'm the only person in my family who plays video games besides my one cousin. My damn grandfather practically calls in priests and tries to get the devil out of me when he sees me on the computer.
And now Christmas is coming up, so yay for trying to avoid that family gathering. Fucking fucking fucken fuck, I hate my fucken family. Stupid bastards wouldn't know what technology was if it bit them in the ass.
Seriously though, every member of my family is a complete Luddite and just cant get their heads around why anyone would want to play 'those games' once they've reached voting age...
I want to go off on a rant about games as art but it would just be wasted breath on my kin.
I shall instead be playing online and teabagging complete strangers whilst calling them syphilitic whores on teamspeak.
Think of it like Hitman/Assassins Creed, trying to blend in the crowd while the guards (family members) try to hunt you down.
Now if only you could actually off them without repercussions. Heres looking at you, psychotically insane and bitchy step mom.
Question: Your location... Is that from The Ninja Turtles movie? I seem to remember that address from somewhere.
The pizza delivery guy, I think that was it.
You sir are a wise dude who does not pay full tab for late pizza.
Sweet. Now I'm going to go ahead and reminisce for the rest of the work day.
I have a really young cousin that lives close by... think he's about 6 years old right now and he's huge into games now. I think me and my younger brother really influenced him. I give him alot of my old PS2 games that havent been stolen or dont contain too much gore or boobs.
Turns out, that my cousin and her kids liked to gossip to other members of my family about how "immature" and child-like I was for "still" playing video games and the like.
Yeah. I stopped letting the lil' brats play after that. I hate my cousin to this day. (this was just one incident of many where my cousin pissed off me or my sisters.)
Anyhoo, On the bright side, I haven't seen her for a few years now. Woo hoo!
360 GamerTag: Culver42
Sc2 Beta ID : Culver. Culver
I haven't seen my mom and dad (I had 2 controllers at the time as they were IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND) get that heated in a video game battle in a LONG time. (probably not since they were competing for the top spot in Tetris)
This year, with 4 controllers, I expect there will be more tennis and some bowling as well as some Mario Party going on.
Then I got a Wii. Even my mom was convinced to give it a try (and she wasn't even interested when I used to play with my NES, whereas my dad would still play sometimes, especially when Dr. Mario was involved.)
I guess the basic idea is, unless there are many hardcore gamers in your family, don't expect to convince anyone to play with you at your hardcore games, but show everybody a Wii (that's it, be an exhibitionist!) and you're likely to have lots of fun. Just keep an open mind, and leave your teabagging persona at home.
Check out my new blog:
Also check out my old game design blog:
Sounds like what myself and the Mrs. will be doing as well! Not having any family over this year (thousands of miles away), but Rock Band and Packer watching are a definate 'check'.
Green Bay native and 32 year long (they are born Packer fans up there) Packer Fan! Thank goodness the Cowboy game is the NEXT week, heh. Then again, the Redskins almost beat them...
MMOG Comic, Quests, and News.
We are going out of town this year so I'm just bring my DS for the car trip, unless my parents let me bring the wii. It got the most attention last year next to the food and desserts.
Twenty minutes later, everybody at the seder was asking me where they could buy one. Of course, that was in April so they were impossible to find. Oh wait...
Regardless, my non-gamer cousins were jumping all over the living room playing tennis all night. The seder the following night was happening at my uncle's house again, so I left it there overnight so they could play it. Turns out, the same cousins who said they couldn't stand the LOW REZ GRAFIX showed up three hours early to the seder the second night to play Wii Tennis beforehand.
Well, we're going to the uncle's house for Thanksgiving on Thursday, but now he owns a Wii so I don't have to bring mine along. I fully expect the Wii to turn on as soon as the football game is over.
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
A month later at Christmas, I brought it again, and everyone was really anxious to play as soon as I got there. This time everyone played. My grandma even beat me at bowling.
This year, if I can get my hands on it, I'm planning to bring Rock Band. I imagine it won't be as fun to play for the older folks, but it should still be really fun to watch and listen to people play and sing.
That's the most romantic thing I've ever heard.
I'll be working the day before and after Thanksgiving, so I'm not going to have the time to feast with the parents(they're out of town). So, I'll be with friends aka there'll be meat, video games and movies.
Just picked up Silent Hill Origins, so probably will be putting down some hours on that and hopefully some decent multiplayers. - Xbox LIVE News & Info 24/7
Her brother (who is bailing this year) already bought a 360 and set it up.
The girl already asked if we had a way to take puzzle quest so I know what we will be doing between hottub visits (It was DAMN cold where I live today and like 80 where I am going)
My whole family loves Guitar Hero.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
My dad will watch me play a game, depending on the game. He and I played Myst and Riven together when I was younger, and he watched me play much of Ocarina of Time. He played a little Wii Tennis last time I visited.
My mom and dad thought that Guitar Hero was funny and clever, but none of the music interests them. They're in their 60s now, and they've always had strange/pedestrian taste in music. Adult Contemporary may be a little too contemporary for them now.
Other than that, my mom hates games. But then, most of the games she sees me play are games like Grand Theft Auto and God of War. Never the poetic or subtle ones like Shadow of the Colossus. Bad timing, I guess.