I've scoured the G&T pages for a thread about this and have found nothing, so I've started up one myself.
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War has a new expansion coming out next year - Dawn of War: Soulstorm.
The next installment of Dawn of War will introduce another two new armies to play as - the heretic-hatin', witch purgin', mutant immolatin' Sister of Battle, and the soul stealing, totally creepy Dark Eldar.
IGN has a few screens up showing some of the Dark Eldar's units, including Wyches, Warp Beasts, Haemonculi, and the godsdamned Talos. How cool is that?
Quick preview of what the expansion will bring:
The Sisters of Battle are almost all female, and are essentially warrior nuns for the Inquisiton and the Holy Ecclesiarchy, the Imperial church. They have access to holy weaponry that the grunts of the Imperial Guard, and even the elite Space Marines do not have (expect lots of flame throwers). They'll also use something called Faith (presumably a resource similar to Requisition Points, Plasma Energy, or ork WAAAGH points), which is generated by fielding certain unit types. Sisters can use Faith to call down the wrath of the Emperor of Mankind himself, causing 'Act of God' type stuff to happen - brimstone raining from the sky, stuff like that.
The Dark Eldar are evil Eldar who sold their souls to Chaos an eternity ago, and stave off the hungry god Slaanesh by devouring the souls of other beings. To this end, they launch massive pirate fleets from their inter-dimensional city of Comorragh to raid worlds for slaves and captives. In gameplay, Dark Eldar can gather soul energy from their fallen enemies and cast powerful abilities of their own, like lowering enemy morale (
all of it, everywhere at once, apparently) or resetting an enemy's own ability cooldowns.
In addition to the two new-comers, all the existing armies are getting new units - specifically, air units. That's right... the Ork Fightabomba is coming. Watch the skies.
Like the Dark Crusade expansion, there's a campaign mode, which is even bigger and has more to do than DA's planet-wide war. There are new special abilities to unlock, new wargear, and lots more missions. This time around, the campaign will take place across four planets and three moons instead of just a single world.
If this is anything like Dark Crusade, you won't need any of the previous games to play as the Dark Eldar or the Sisters - online and versus play as these races will be available just by installing the expansion. Installing the original game, Winter Assault, and Dark Crusade will allow the other races in those games to go up against the new armies (and you'll probably need them to play the campaign as well). For those of you who love multiplayer, there's gonna be an award system for hitting certain milestones (X number of wins in a row, that sort of thing).
Okay Relic, you've used all the other races. Now get to work on DoW 2 and give us the Tyranids.
I can't give you the direct website, but I remember the Relic Devs talking about how they would never do the Tyranids in this version of Dawn of War because they felt the system couldn't fully represent the awesome size of the Tyranid Swarm. So, for no Nids, but a major for having developers working on this thing who actually give a damn about it.
I'm a huge fan of this game and can't stop playing it. I was hoping for some more Harlequin love (Death Jesters, w00tsauce), but some Sisters and D.E. won't be bad at all. I'm still a little cautious about air units.
Some Ork Bikes would be nice though.
But two MORE races? They are really laying on the balance challenge.
Well if they stick to the actual WAR game rules (which I know little about) from what I understand that shouldent be a problem.
Also horrary for the game that keeps on giving. I mean I liked it when I had 1 expansion pack, then there was another, but a third? Gotta hand it to the developers, they are really using this game to its full potential.
I can see the guy in charge of game balance getting this memo a while back, and just breaking down and sobbing.
I expect DoW2 to be Tyranids vs everyone. It's the only way they could do them justice, having the campaign the usual clusterfuck of races fighting over a planet except the planet happens to be right in the way of a hive fleet and gets devoured over the course of the campaign.
Dark Eldar are sort of yucky.
Even though I'm pretty sure I could think of a way to do it justice (the base is some creature growing underground, as you 'build' buildings it grows a new part which sticks up out of the ground), the fact remains that they're not ever going to add the 'Nids.
That said, I hope Company of Heroes gets this many expansons.
Hence why I never bothered to buy any of the expansions. I bought DoW, enjoyed it, then realized they would never release the 'nids and gave up.
Personally, I wish they would bring back the Space Dorfs from the original Rogue Trader rulebook, but I know that's a touchy issue for GW.
Outdated? Isn't the game barely 2 years old? O.o
You're missing out, the expansions are amazing. Vastly better than the original, and that's saying something.
Oh well. Bigger campaign wooo!
think i fixed the part you were struggling with there
Bring on Dawn of War 2.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
I'm in the same boat. I'm craptacular at any multiplayer, but I love me some Dark Crusade campaign mode.
Coming from someone who absolutely loves all iterations of DOW, JUST LET IT DIE.
also i heard the dev team called you guys jerks!
Well, yes. But they know I will buy it. And I will squeeze every last milky drop of fun out of it. Still a whole lot cheaper than say; fielding an actual TT army. Easier clean up too.
I just bought this over Steam, because I'm stoked that it's on there. Do you still need Hamachi to play over Steam? That would be really, really stupid.
I'll be waiting.
Damnit, how can a simple RTS be this enjoyable? Oh yeah, killer robots that serve star devouring dark gods.
I have to wonder if the new expansion will try to take some of the rules and ideas from Warhammer Apocalypse with increasing army size and giving really cool special abilities to large groups of units.
For example:
Necron Monolith Phalanx
Tau Rapid Insertion Force
IG Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company
And more
That being said I've some time tomorrow to get some play in... Anyone interested in a game or two at, say, 24 hours from now? (noon eastern)
My little hope is that with Soulstorm, that they get a new narrator for the campaign. The guy in Dark Crusade sounds weird. He has a strange habit of putting emphasis on words when it isn't actually necessary.
So, you know who we need as a narrator? Tom Baker, man.
His talents were wasted on the terribly lame excuse for a game also known as Fire Warrior.