Gordon Freeman Comic?

genius_jock2000genius_jock2000 Registered User new member
edited November 2007 in Penny Arcade Games
I'm looking for that comic where Freeman is quoting his parents sarcastically like "You'll go far with a college education Gordon! You're good with numbers Gordon!" as he is in that classic pose of raising the crowbar to smash something to bits. I think there are three panels to this top down strip. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

genius_jock2000 on


  • stopmoclaystopmoclay Registered User new member
    edited November 2007

    stopmoclay on
  • ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited November 2007
    This doesn't belong in here. Try reading the rules thread before posting again.

    Elki on
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