The West Side is a free, independent serial show that has just released its second episode.
It's set in a post-apoc urban environment and looks to mimic the feel of the old American Westerns
Besides that, it looks damn interesting.
I think independent film stuff like this, especially ones that thrive on the internet community, are really important for the film genre overall. They allow no-name directors to get some work out there, explore artistic styles you wouldn't see normally (the black and white used in this series is very nicely done), and lets the community experience some great talent.
They had some problems between Episode 1 and 2 involving HDDs failing and programs acting up, but most of that has been solved now so the gap between the next few episodes shouldn't be so great
Dialogue won't win anyway awards, but the acting is pretty good, the environments are nice and gritty, and the tension is there. Hopefully they can go somewhere with this.
TL;DR - Plug.